Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
Thankfully my gym is open so I'm able to train. No masks required either, which is good for me when I'm lifting heavy. I always clean before and after using everything and try to be as safe as I can. Seems like everyone for the most part cleans and tries to be safe, at least at my gym. There are still the random dumbasses here and there that don't give a damn. I know several areas throughout the country are locked back down, so I'm thankful I can still workout. My area shut down for about a month back at the beginning of summer and it sucked.
we have an old dude at my normal gym that is all jacked up even before covid fired up. dude has been ate up with cancer for the last couple of years. anyway he loves to talk and dont get the personal space zone even before. anyway, when the gyms actually opened up, he rolls right up on top of me hacking and coughing all over the place without covering his mouth. telling me how he just got out of icu with some kind of respitory issue that they dont know what it was. i was are you freaking serious man and you are in here. back up please, i am no germafob but give me a damn break. you have been sick as hell and you come up in here coughing all over the place screwing everyone else over and passing around shit that they dont even know what it was. people absolutely blow my freaking mind and are selfish as all hell