i honest to god and i am honestly think that they really do think people are stupid. i really and truly do. anyone that can vote or support them has to be a super special kind of person. how can you back someone that is bat shit crazy will lie straight through their teeth with a smile. on top of having videos showing what they have said and done they will still lie about it. that on top of do as i say not as i do and you cant see it till we pass it nonsense infuriates me to no end. mother fucker you are their to represent us the people and we have the right to know what and how you are doing things. then lets add to that they dont even use the ahca or any of the other bull shit they force down our throats that screws us over. both sides suck ass but give me a break, these fools that are democrats wow, all i can say is wow while smh.
i have been to third world countries. i have lived in countries that have actual dictators or rulers running their countries. i say if you want to go down that route move over there. if you want to be a communist move to china or russia but leave our rights and liberties the fuck alone. hell i am more of a libraterian(sp) when i comes to most things but their is no way on god's green earth i could stomach pulling the lever for any of the fools on the dem ticket.