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      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      what is the most sad part about it, is that it really isnt so much black people that are pushing this bull shit. it's rich white people, rich white kids and stupid ass white college kids. the ironic part is if they get their way it is going to be the lower middle class the poor and minorities that are going to be suffering the most. all the people raising all the hell and trying to change shit wont feel or deal with any of their own shit.

      i think that if you arent going to higher education for business, a trade of some sort or a working skill then that education should be banned. lit, and all these other horse shit degrees do nothing but brain wash mother fuckers and leave them deep in debt with no job and piss poor out looks on society as a whole.

      gov ruins everything but they need to step in and actually make it manditory that all aspects of opinions are taught and debated equally and not allow one side or the other to be shut down. civics needs to be taught again in school etc..... it blows my mind at the number of grown ass adults dont know the three branches of gov and what they do. these idiots can actually vote. we are in a sad sad state. we wiped out all the essential education and now they are erasing history and teaching marxist propaganda at the lowest level.
      I am with you on this.
      I have family who go to college to brag about degree they get to have more.

      They want Biden for president only because they believe he is racist and is generally a bad guy.

      In my opinion there are both turds but I believe trump has more to give this country then Biden or his vice prez.

      I had to put my youngest in catholic school because school debates and these family members who were raised catholic now believe in all these people rights and woman's choice.

      I see my oldest is way brain washed and it takes sleep frome at night.
      One thing that really makes me nuts is she denies the truth so much last "debate" we had was about the Kardashians show being 100% fake and script.
      She really thinks they have people with cameras who film and make the show with random footage.

      These are our heros of the USA children all fake people.

      Drives me up the wall.

      Like famous actors are all on a private beach all day playing in the sand with cooks serving them.

      These people have to hide from society and have constant meetings about there money and things they have been bought into.

      The morals and values on TV have gone to shit also.

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      Default Re: Australia locked down

      Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
      I am with you on this.
      I have family who go to college to brag about degree they get to have more.

      They want Biden for president only because they believe he is racist and is generally a bad guy.

      In my opinion there are both turds but I believe trump has more to give this country then Biden or his vice prez.

      I had to put my youngest in catholic school because school debates and these family members who were raised catholic now believe in all these people rights and woman's choice.

      I see my oldest is way brain washed and it takes sleep frome at night.
      One thing that really makes me nuts is she denies the truth so much last "debate" we had was about the Kardashians show being 100% fake and script.
      She really thinks they have people with cameras who film and make the show with random footage.

      These are our heros of the USA children all fake people.

      Drives me up the wall.

      Like famous actors are all on a private beach all day playing in the sand with cooks serving them.

      These people have to hide from society and have constant meetings about there money and things they have been bought into.

      The morals and values on TV have gone to shit also.
      well here is how i look at it. to begin with all politicians are fucking garbage ass liars and crooks point blank period it. all of them arent worth a fuck end of story but you have to look at the lesser of two evils. so let's just erase the social garbage coming from the dems and them trying to take away our rights. let's just take that out of the equation all together. now, can someone tell me how you can vote for someone that 1- wants to raise your taxes and yes even though they say we only are going to raise them on the rich but it trickles down and they do raise them on the middle class. 2- the price of fuel electricity and other essentials goes way up when they are in power. 3- they gut the military entirely every time they are in power. 4- and this is the kicker the block of minorities has voted for them for about the last 40 or 50 years and let's be honest with ourselves here. how much better do they have it. how well are cities and states that are completely ran be them actually ran? how much better off are the minority communities? so with those little factual points i just laid out, how in the fuck can you vote for a dem? because they are good people and the others are evil and racist. fuck that my wallet is more important to me than someone's moral character and imho they are all fucking evil but whoever makes my life better regardless of party i am going to support.
      also while we are on it about those morons wanting to lift up the poor and bridge the wealth gap. haha this one is funny, the gap grew the most ever during the last dipshits 8 year term. blam it on bush all you want but they made it worse for poor people and the rich and top earners in our country went up even more. their is a reason that wall street and the big banks as well as the rich support these fuckers. people are to blind and stupid to see the forest for the trees
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      8 years of Obama was the worst thing to ever happen to this country. If Biden wins, Kamala Harris, Ilhan Omar and AOC will be running the country into the shitter. .

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