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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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  • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
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    Thread: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

    1. #16
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

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      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      Nausea as in throwing up or just feeling like you're on a boat and get sea sick or roller coaster that spins (that always makes me feel sick to my stomach!). No nausea for me at all so far bro . . . knock on wood. Helio, now that shit got me nauseous! And didn't even work for me!

    2. #17
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Well crud. I am out of bacteriostatic water but found 2 bottles of it that have May 2018 as expiration. I dont think thats too bad, what do you all think? Im thinking of using it. I mean, how can water go bad? Most expiration dates are set way early. 2 years. Hmmmm...

    3. #18
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      I honestly never paid attention to expiration dates till I had same thing happen 1/2 way thru a HGH cycle about 10 years ago and used expired bac water for my last kit of cycle (1 month). I totally ruined about 100 IU kit of really good (and expensive HGH). IT MATTERS. Stay off till you get fresh bac water brother - trust me!

    4. #19
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      I never got any flushing from MT2. I have experienced the nausea but thats it. The boners it gives are worth the sides lol
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    5. #20
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Ya know, when people randomly ask me "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" which seems to happen quite a bit for some season, I always answer honestly: "All kinda shit, where do you want me to start?" Not to be a smart ass but because I'm less filtered than most and do have (apparently more issues than most, including anger management (exp, when on tren). But where ever the conversation goes from there and many time takes a turn. The way it turns is up to them . . . Somehow, it usually ends up with me quoting the best pro wrestler of all time, The Nature Boy, Ric Flair. Usually the same quote too: "Whether you you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going . .. Woooooo!" Ever feel like sometimes people don't get you? Anyways, there was a reason I started telling this story - Oh, yeah -

      The reason I ponder if yet one more thing is wrong with me is on day 9 (two days ago in a previous post from Tuesday) I'd stated that I was definitely seeing a difference as far as my complexion getting darker. And after just a day or 2 I had morning wood.

      Today is day 10 and not only has morning wood (afternoon and evening too I'd experienced during days 2-7 - not every day but most) gone away but a swear I'm losing my color too somewhat - definitely not the continuation of or degree of darkness or wood I had experienced during days 1-7!.

      Any suggestions, my dose has remained same 15 IUs which equates to.72 mg ED (FREAKSHOW - please feel free to double-check my math!).

      I haven't experienced any deal-breaking sides like nausea so I'm willing to dump up my dosage if need be - but thought I'd check with the panel of experienced quasi-experiences from my family/community here first? Fella/Ladies?

    6. #21
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      correction - bump not dump my dosage (last sentence)

    7. #22
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      correction - bump not dump my dosage (last sentence)
      I would bump it up or just keep shooting until it is where u want. Im no expert on MT2, Ive just used it for a while and got dark as hell. Ive had moments where it seemed to fade and I just kept shooting and it comes back. Seems like Ive had to go thru 2 bottles straight before to get crazy dark but I cant remember. Ive been off for a while but going to start up tomoorrow. I went to the drive thru pharmacy today and asked If I could buy some bacteriostatic water. She said no problem, it is $2.50 a bottle and will have 2 bottles for me tomorrow. It was that easy.
      Last edited by Dzone; 04-16-2020 at 07:08 PM.

    8. #23
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      They sell bac water @ the pharmacy - w/out a RX? No SHIT!?

      Why is it that no one every has posted that till now - and/or did you know or just took a chance???

      Did they ask you what you need it for or if you had a script? Not sure what I'd say even though it's not scheduled drug/or piece of equip that (I don't think would require a script - kinda like pins are a grey area device) nor any of their business but still . . . never thought to ask - get idea! I swear some of the "Pharm Techs" (usually woamen - no offense to our female members!)are the noisiest *****es out there!

      How does it come (how many mls/botttle and how much per?


    9. #24
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      They sell bac water @ the pharmacy - w/out a RX? No SHIT!?

      Why is it that no one every has posted that till now - and/or did you know or just took a chance???

      Did they ask you what you need it for or if you had a script? Not sure what I'd say even though it's not scheduled drug/or piece of equip that (I don't think would require a script - kinda like pins are a grey area device) nor any of their business but still . . . never thought to ask - get idea! I swear some of the "Pharm Techs" (usually woamen - no offense to our female members!)are the noisiest *****es out there!

      How does it come (how many mls/botttle and how much per?


      My bad Dzone - read thru too quick - missed the $2.50 per bottle. I'm assuming that comes in 10 ml bottles?

    10. #25
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      My bad Dzone - read thru too quick - missed the $2.50 per bottle. I'm assuming that comes in 10 ml bottles?
      30 ml bottles. Yep, a girl walked outside with a Covid mask on, I was standing at the front door of the pharmacy with my mask on. I said "Can I get some bacteriostatic water?" She says "Let me go inside and see" She comes back out and says yes, and they will have it for me tomorrow. $2.50 a bottle so I ordered 2.
      Whenever I need syringes, I just walk into any pharmacy and say "I need a box of syringes, 23 guage, 1 inch". Have never been refused and they dont ask why. I buy all my insulin pins for MT2 at walmart.

      Probably some states who have left wing democrat governors like Michigan will probably tell you that buying water & syringes is illegal. because she is a na zi lol
      Last edited by Dzone; 04-17-2020 at 07:17 AM.

    11. #26
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      They sell bac water @ the pharmacy - w/out a RX? No SHIT!?

      Why is it that no one every has posted that till now - and/or did you know or just took a chance???

      Did they ask you what you need it for or if you had a script? Not sure what I'd say even though it's not scheduled drug/or piece of equip that (I don't think would require a script - kinda like pins are a grey area device) nor any of their business but still . . . never thought to ask - get idea! I swear some of the "Pharm Techs" (usually woamen - no offense to our female members!)are the noisiest *****es out there!

      How does it come (how many mls/botttle and how much per?

      all non controlled items in some states go by state law and the pharms discretion. they are legal in my state but the pharm can deny you and the same goes for slin. when they have asked me in the past about why i needed either slin or syringes i always asked them if they were familiar my keeping my medical issues to myself and the law surrounding it. that normally works but if they persist i would go elsewhere or go to tractor supply haha. best bet is just to shop online at a med supply store or somewhere like that and call it a day
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    12. #27
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      In ny you can only purchase ten pins at a time and it’s still up to the pharmacists discretion.

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    13. #28
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Ive never tried buying syringes from Walgreens. I have a feeling that they would tell me to **** off. I usually go to locally owned pharmacies

    14. #29
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      Default Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

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      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      • Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?
      Last time I tried to buy 22 gauge inch and a half darts at the pharmacy I went in in a tank top after training a couple years ago. The dumb ***** asked me what they were for and I told her my horse was sick! She asked me what kind of horse I have I told her a Clydesdale. That didn't work out so I ordered them online.

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