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    Thread: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

    1. #1
      dk5bdubs's Avatar
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      Default dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

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      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      I received a vial of the CBD Wellness Full Spectrum CBD - 1200mg product that I will be logging for the next 30 days. The reason that I was interested in this product is because I feel that I could use a product that helps me better deal with stress, anxiety and also recovery from the gym each day.

      The vial that was sent to me was the 1200mg strength and the serving options are 0.5ml or 1ml. I am going to go with 1ml servings each night before bed. I will be taking each serving about an hour or so before I'm looking to fall asleep. I am hoping that I will find this product can help me unwind and de-stress a bit each night so that I can hopefully fall asleep quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. As I also mentioned, I would love to have this product help in my recovery from hitting the gym on a daily basis. Every now and then, I have to work through a nagging injury and at the moment, I am dealing with a pulled muscle in my back/lat area that has been bothering me for about 2 weeks now. Rest would certainly be my best recovery option, but as a stubborn person, I just try to work through it and around it while training as intelligently as I can.

      The evening of 11/16 was my first dose and I went with the 1ml serving. I kept the oil under my tongue for 60 seconds before swallowing. I will say that the oil definitely does have a somewhat unique taste to it. I wouldn't describe it as unpleasant by any means, but it's certainly noticeable. It does leave somewhat of an aftertaste as well, but to me, taste is always so far down my list if a product delivers on results.

      What is nice is that the dropper has the ml marking on it which makes the dosing very easy. I've used other liquid products where the dropper did not have the label marks and it was much more difficult to properly dose the ingredients.

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      Default Re: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

      Thanks DC.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

      Last night's dose was the 3rd time using this CBD oil about one hour before bed. I am going to continue to keep using the 1ml dose each night and at the same time each night as my evenings are very structured.

      In my initial post, I touched on taste a bit. I am getting more used to the taste & aftertaste and after a few times of using it, it doesn't appear to be nearly as strong as the initial dose. That is to be expected I suppose after not experiencing a taste that unique before.

      When it comes to winding down each evening, I think this is perfect as I start about an hour-long "shut down" each night where I try to unplug from work from the day and try to relax with my wife and kids. Sometimes that involves sitting with them until their bedtime (which isn't too far away from mine because quite frankly, I'm exhausted at the end of my days) or sitting and talking with my wife about how our days went. So taking a dose of this sort of kick-starts that wind down for me.

      So as I mentioned, I am up for about an hour after I use this oil and when I'm ready to call it a night, I do feel very relaxed with this in my system. I have never had an issue falling asleep quickly and this doesn't disrupt that whatsoever. I fall asleep very quickly but I notice that I fall a bit deeper into sleep as the last few nights, I'm remembered my dreams which is something that I don't usually have happen to me. So for allowing me to relax and rest better, I think this is definitely serving me well.

      I also have some back pain that I'm still working through and hoping that I'm on the very tail end of. I'd like to think that the combination of using this and smart recovery is allowing me to wake up in the morning in a little less pain & discomfort. As it is a pulled muscle, I know it will heal up over time, but waking up and feeling better sure is a nice feeling. That helps to set the tone for my day because I'm headed to the gym shortly after I wake up each morning.

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      Default Re: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

      So after about a week or so of using this, I definitely noticed that I can wind down and relax significantly more each night before bed. As I had mentioned, I take this about an hour before bed and use that time to wind down and have my last meal of the day. By the time I am ready to shut it down for the evening, I feel very relaxed and ready to grab some quality zzz's.

      In terms of this helping my back, I can't 100% give all of the credit to the CBD alone, but I think it absolutely helped to speed things up. I was at about the 2 week mark of having a pretty bad pulled muscle in my back that just wouldn't heal up. And once I started taking this, along with continued recovery efforts, things sped up quickly and I can say that I am feeling much, much better. I'm almost there and not quite 100% but that's also because I continue to hit the gym each day and probably am not doing myself any favors by not giving it complete rest. But what I do like is that by using the CBD to help me get through the discomfort and pain, I can keep going to the gym just like I want to.

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      Default Re: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

      So since I began using this CBD oil, it has been the only change to my daily routine in terms of supplements, normal training times, normal sleep times, diet, etc. But what I am noticing is that my sleep at night, which starts about an hour after I take a full vial of this oil, has improved substantially. I normally wake up after just a couple of hours and feel like it's time to just get up and get going. But since I started using the oil, my normal wake up time has jumped anywhere from an hour to two hours later. I am having more nights with dreams and with my wake up times being extended, I feel much more refreshed and energized in the morning before my workouts. And also after an hour or so of using this, I am so much more tired and absolutely relaxed. So I fall asleep almost instantly and stay asleep even longer with this oil. It's been such a huge blessing to help with my recovery.

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      Default Re: dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

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      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log

      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      • dk5bdubs CBD Wellness Labs Full Spectrum CBD 1200mg Log
      Not having a lot of experience with CBD in the past, I will say that after using a bottle of the 1200mg oil, I am a true believer in this product. The items that I was looking to address while using this oil were relief of some back pain that I had due to a pulled muscle as well as help dealing with the anxiety that I face each day. I elected to take a full dropper each night before bed and the oil certainly helped me to relax and get into a better position to sleep more soundly during the night. I felt like after 20 minutes or so of ingesting that a calm would come over me and that gave me much better sleep at night. I would wake up feeling more energized and I didn't feel as overwhelmed with the stresses of life. I also thought it helped to speed up the recovery of my back muscle pull as I began to feel less pain and felt relief from the discomfort that had been plaguing me for several weeks. Once I finished the bottle, I could tell the difference right away between taking the product and not taking it. I truly believe this was beneficial for me and it helped with the issues I was dealing with.

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