a little blood work checking prolactin levels would be of great benefit on tracking how high or low it is. then dosing appropriately and not spending a ton of money on something like caber that well enough may not be needed. that or taking to much of it when you could be taking far less. everyone just guesses but dont realize that these anti e and prolactin agonists have some pretty serious side effects of their own on top of what we already do. not to mention the cost of legit caber, ouch it's pricey as all hell.

i do know a dip shit that would take it just to tank his pro levels so he couldnt get off and could go on and on for days. dont know why their is pleasure in that but he did it and i am pretty sure he ended up with a heart condition from doing so. dude also stuck the inject bonner stuff into his weiner as well, so he def wasnt the brightest bulb around