Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
ok man. i use it myself from time to time. it is a great tool but not something you want to used for extended periods of time. i dont do the traditional kiatsu style but i use it as a finisher to push as much blood in as possible at the end of my training. now you have to get your wraps at a 7-8 out of 10 tightness and leave them on for the duration of your sets. the weight should be 30-40% of your max and only use it on isolation or machine movements. trust me on this one because after a couple sets you will be hurting. a good combo is to super set with leg extensions and leg curls bb curls and press downs etc.... i have pics on here of my arms where i finished up with occlusion training and it added like 3in to my arms. so it does work very well. cool thing is in theory and research you can get the same amount of damage from metabolic stress in a handful of sets that you would from a normal training session with light weight.

do it for a month on legs arms and calves and then check your measurements again. as long as your nutrition and recovery are good, you will see improvements. it is also very very painful if you are doing it correctly
Great information thanks guns
