Quote Originally Posted by dokkanmatryx91 View Post
I'm 27 i have 2 kids and don't want anymore kids.. I'm looking to enter my first competition when I'm 30 that's kind of why I was leaning towards blast and cruise as opposed to a normal cycle. This will be my first cycle of any kind and as for bloods I will be getting my bloods done before starting my cycle and then during

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ok blast and cruise is an excellent idea. you dont need 3 whole years to get on stage though. dont play the i am not big enough game. you can only gain for so long before you plateau out. so keep that in mind. now for blasting and cruising. dont set a time limit on your blast or your cruise. you go off of your blood work. do bloods every 4 weeks and when you get to a point where your health markers are out of range, shut your blast down and cruise until they come back into range. then the blast kicks off again. that way you can make progress and still stay safe and healthy. you are 27 now so most likely you arent going to bounce back after blasts. not saying it isnt possible but it is unlikely haha. no way to know without bloods. i know that bloods are a pain in the ass but health panels are cheap and the most effective way to fire up and tone it back. rotate compounds during your blasts as long as you can and happy growing. something like this would be a good starter.

test of choice
npp or deca rotate at say 6-8weeks to tren until markers get skewed

test of choice at 1-150 a week until panel clears

eq or low dose drol i would keep this for the duration

the possibilities are limitless on these bad boys. you may look into getting a good coach to over see what you are doing. not soliciting you but i do it for a marginal fee in blocks and competitions are my wheel house and i love it.