Thanks for the well
Wishes and welcome back everyone. The road back had a lot of heart felt discussions and I have been working closer than ever doctor and with my surgeon as I navigate how my life has changed since the surgery and what I can do safely and still try to live the life I want. I had some difficulty with getting and endocrinologist to work with me because of my “history “ so I went seven months without taking anything and it was bad. My first scan of my liver at one month post op showed full regrowth of the right side and it showed the two small adenomas on the left side. Six months later with no trt or any assistance my scam still showed those two adenomas were the same size even though they should have shrunk. At this point I decided fuck waiting on. The endocrinologist to take more blood to see where we are at, after 20 years of use my body isn’t going to bounce back. I had zero libido and zero “ability”. I decided to do some trt myself. Well I did a few months of 200mgs test. Things went well and in January I decided to do a transformation challenge. For this I decided to make this a real experiment and go 200 test 200 tren arimidex and var. in March i did another scan and the results were the same, no change in size of the adenomas that were left. I had told my doc I was doing my own trt and that while they stayed the same as opposed to shrinking they also stayed the same during the six months I was clean. I told him I was going to continue my way and have ya doing the scans every six months until I see things get worse. I know a lot of people will not agree with this but it is a choice I made and I promised my wife if any tests go south then playtime is over. Hell at 44years old I don’t have many years left in this game anyway.

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