ok brother he is the kicker with hcg. it boost you up but it also surpresses your natural test production. so that's why people say it shouldnt be used during pct and i agree with that fact. other compounds like gnrh clomid etc..... are much better suited for pct to not surpress your natural production further while getting back in range. it is far better suited for use during your run to keep your testes full and running somewhat during a cycle. i think it is more important for those that have broken the age range of 28 or better than the younger guys. most (but not all) young guys bounce back pretty quick and easily. hell in my early runs i did no pct and my levels normalized in 4 weeks. that is until i went into blasting and cruising after 28-29. my old man has been on trt since his 30s so i figured no point i am going to be on it for life anyway haha.

but if you want a nice boost take a look at gnrh. it will crank up your production for a few months with no real negative sides to speak of