Quote Originally Posted by BigDawg View Post
the definition i use for failure is from the old Body For Life cash cow of Bill Phillips. If you're training and stop at that last rep from the burn and lactic acid buildup and someone said i'll give you a hundred bucks if you can bang out three more reps and you can do three more reps then you're not training to failure, you're training til you're tired. i do my sets til i can't do one more rep, even doing several 1/2 reps, then immediately strip plate or drop to lighter db's and bust out 2-3 more reps and drop again til i can't even get 1 rep. at that point the set is done and it's time to move to the next exercise for that muscle. train the muscle to complete muscular failure and then eat,sleep and let the muscle recover til you utterly destroy it the next scheduled session.[/QUOTEs
Thia ia very close to how I train. Drop sets I think it is called. Some times I do the German volume and sometimes combine the 2.
similar here, when i feel the joints getting creaky from heavy to failure and drop sets i'll switch for a few weeks to a month and do high volume with perhaps more reps at a lighter than max weight and when i start to feel overtraining creeping in i'll go back to Dorian sets of a few light warm ups and then one all out to failure followed by some drop sets.