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    1. #16
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      I started pinning everyday to help control the peaks and valleys, even long esters, just use a 29g 1/2" slin pin, 2ml=50mg daily (350mg weekly for now). Wish I could tolerate Deca for my joints, could use it at my age. I get issues with aromatization unfortunately, have to monitor my bloods.

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      Default Re: Eq or Deca

      Quote Originally Posted by Musclemechanic76 View Post
      Lmao!! Winny and Anadrol saw this today!! Killing liver can't help with bloat. Way better methods... hum??? Bloat or no lipids and liver.... or nutrition, I use straight deca never like NPP it gives me deca sides x2.
      I front load shit out of deca for whatever reason if i use sust I bloat but only sust unless I add prop with sust. Sust still had me confused about to tiny prop just to screw up peaks and valleys. I am not an aromataser but sust causes me issue without eod pins 125mg and adding another 75 prop....

      So we all respond different too. All fast esters work different and superior for me except npp!!

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      Yeah I chuckled at the question when Dave answered it, crazy what some people do and how they think. Good thing for these forums now and YouTube channels discussing these topics. Just shows that we all can continue to gain knowledge and educate ourselves with AAS and mixing compounds. One thing I know about myself is less is more...high doses and I never mixed. Keep moderate doses and focus more on diet and training intensity which is more important than the drugs themselves.

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      I used to run 300mg/week with 500mg/week of test with no issues at all!

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      Quote Originally Posted by killabe View Post
      Thanks for the feedback! When you’ve ran EQ how long are your cycles? I see a lot of people going 16 weeks for best results.

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      I tend to run EQ a bit longer than most. I'll keep EQ in the equation for a 16 week cycle and alternate everything else. Especially in the spring when I'm trying to make lean gains. Just started after taking a few months off to unclog receptor sites before I hit it hard from now through fall. First 8 weeks I'll stack 400 mgs of EQ w/a blend of tren-a and tren-e 100 mgs each and combine with 400 mgs of cyp every 3 days. Also am taking a 6 week cycle of t3 (25 mcg then 50/75/ and leveling off at 100 mcg then back down the same way till I'm off in 6 weeks. The t3 w/the tren always gives me night sweats and shreds me like nothing else has before (except HGH). Then I'll switch to sust 600 mgs, scale back my eq to about 400 mgs and add 300 mgs of deca and take that stacked every 5 days for next 8 weeks and add 50 mgs/day of anavar to the mix to help me stay lean and hard. Nolvadex 20 mgs/day the entire 16 weeks and clomid 50 mgs/day PCT and if my boys don't drop within a couple weeks, take HCG (10000 IU kit) - 2500 IUs every 3 days over next 12 days. Then take a 3-4 week break and re-evaluate next cycle. I'm usually on at least 9 months out of 12 every year unless I have an injury that forces me to take some time off from training. But that's just me and this is this summer's/fall's plan. And nothing's set in stone. Just a guideline. Everyone's different and what works for me might not for the next guy as I'm sure you're aware but this is my tentative supplement schedule for now anyways.

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