Oh boy, it gets better. But for all practical purposes you just brought a piranha into the house. Shes teething and discovering that it's fun to bite. I've found the best deterrent to the biting is when she bites you to take your thumb and hold her tongue down. It's very unpleasant but doesnt hurt her, and she will emediatly pull away but it's a very effective method to teach her not to bite and usually works pretty quick. Dont play tug-o-war with her and definitely dont rough house play with her it encourages bad behavior as adults. I've raised many pit pups and they are the sweetest, fiercely loyal dogs. Try getting a pillow or blanket or something that smells like you and put in her pen. Also dont let her nap a lot in afternoon, wear her out playing or go for a long walk before bed time so she will be more likely to sleep for a few hours. Raising a pit puppy is like raising a child, with a mouth foul of needles lol. My arms have been so marked up from my pups before lol