Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
I have a friend who spends sick amounts of money on wine. He has a wine cellar in his house and spending $500- $1,000 for a bottle of wine is common for him. Biggest waste of money on earth imo. I dont care how fancy it is, it all comes down to one molecule, ethyl alcohol, and it alll tastes like SHIT. Booze is booze imo , whether its $5 or $500, its all poison and tastes horrible
not everyone has our sickness dude. I have a every 3 yrs booty call from this wonderful girl for past 20 yrs. I took her v card way back and she is unbelievably successful and beautiful. She is a CFO now. 6 figures. she still comes to me to hook up every few yrs or so, she has been my friend longer than anyone else in my life. she can't not have a project. she brews wine. good wine, but she not only makes it, she deserves it. I will never preach don't drink to anyone, but I will acknowledge it can seriously fuck a life up.