I really don’t do 1 Rep Maxes, but what I try to do is up the weight in just about every lift I do , on a weekly basis.
That’s the way I can tell whether or not I’m getting stronger .
On bench I’m currently hitting 295lbs for 6 clean reps. That’s pretty good for me as my elbow really fucks with me , but I’m def getting stronger.
I think every lifter should either do 1 Rep maxes or something to determine if they’re getting stronger or if they’ve hit a plateau.
I see SO many dudes at the gym do the same crap day in and day out , looking the same , like what the hell for ???
Isn’t the whole idea of training to look better , different !!!
IDK , clowns !!!
Well they’re not all clowns, but a lot of them are !!