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    1. #781
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Squat 4 sets
      Box squats superset w/ low cable rope row 4 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets

      Jump rope 4 sets

      I'm not playing basketball on Wednesday because I have a final test at my job on Thursday. That allowed me to squat, I was looking forward to it since I haven't in awhile. It felt good to squat but it wasn't great by any stretch. I think it was a combination of not squatting and my legs being tired from basketball. My legs got super gassed super quickly into each set. I also wanted to do more work on my back since those exercises weren't my ideal exercises but I got a phone call about doing work on my house that I had to answer and it totally threw off the workout. I had stuff planned and before you knew it, I was just jumping rope. You will have those days, I'm just glad I was about to squat.


      Side lateral raise superset w/ bw dips 4 sets
      Landmine press into middle press 4 sets
      Flat bench superset w/ rear delt cable extension 4 sets
      Farmers walks 4 sets
      Reverse farmers walks 3 sets

      Another weird one for me. It seems like we've had an influx of ppl at my gym lately. This gym seems to be on the brink of going out of business and all of a sudden the place is filled when I get there now. So I had to weave between ppl to get equipment to use and not do my normal routine. I did use the fat gripz for somethings like the side lateral and flat benching. Workout wasn't great but it wasn't bad either, for example the dips, I don't do them as often as I used to and I could tell, I used to strap weight around me and go and now just my bodyweight feels like it's more than enough. My left shoulder still hurts when I bench so I still can't go as heavy as I would of liked. One of those workouts where the weight wasn't impressive but the effort was there.



      Jump ropes, elipitical front and backs, treadmill, ball slams, single leg wall ball

      First real cardio day in the gym in forever and I didn't know how to go about it. My legs were/are still super sore from squatting on Monday. I went with jumping rope for footwork and intensity. I also went with an elliptical, 1 minute forward motion and 1 minute backwards motion. Overall it wasn't half bad, worked up a decent sweat and overall hopefully improved my cardio

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    2. #782
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Young Gotti View Post

      Squat 4 sets
      Box squats superset w/ low cable rope row 4 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets

      Jump rope 4 sets

      I'm not playing basketball on Wednesday because I have a final test at my job on Thursday. That allowed me to squat, I was looking forward to it since I haven't in awhile. It felt good to squat but it wasn't great by any stretch. I think it was a combination of not squatting and my legs being tired from basketball. My legs got super gassed super quickly into each set. I also wanted to do more work on my back since those exercises weren't my ideal exercises but I got a phone call about doing work on my house that I had to answer and it totally threw off the workout. I had stuff planned and before you knew it, I was just jumping rope. You will have those days, I'm just glad I was about to squat.


      Side lateral raise superset w/ bw dips 4 sets
      Landmine press into middle press 4 sets
      Flat bench superset w/ rear delt cable extension 4 sets
      Farmers walks 4 sets
      Reverse farmers walks 3 sets

      Another weird one for me. It seems like we've had an influx of ppl at my gym lately. This gym seems to be on the brink of going out of business and all of a sudden the place is filled when I get there now. So I had to weave between ppl to get equipment to use and not do my normal routine. I did use the fat gripz for somethings like the side lateral and flat benching. Workout wasn't great but it wasn't bad either, for example the dips, I don't do them as often as I used to and I could tell, I used to strap weight around me and go and now just my bodyweight feels like it's more than enough. My left shoulder still hurts when I bench so I still can't go as heavy as I would of liked. One of those workouts where the weight wasn't impressive but the effort was there.



      Jump ropes, elipitical front and backs, treadmill, ball slams, single leg wall ball

      First real cardio day in the gym in forever and I didn't know how to go about it. My legs were/are still super sore from squatting on Monday. I went with jumping rope for footwork and intensity. I also went with an elliptical, 1 minute forward motion and 1 minute backwards motion. Overall it wasn't half bad, worked up a decent sweat and overall hopefully improved my cardio
      Nice job brutha

    3. #783
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      So I missed a few days it looks like


      I deadlifted with a trap bar I know that haha.






      Legs and Back

      I didn't miss any days from the gym but the last week was hectic. I had a 2 day final at work and Friday the whole class left early and went for lunch. We all ended up getting pretty banged up. Saturdays training session was iffy. The arms portion was really good, but I did not want to move around too quickly. I wouldn't say I was super hungover or anything, just lack of explosive energy. Sunday I played ball and after the game my legs felt a lot better than the week before however I was exhausted. Possibly still from Friday, getting old is the worst. Mondays session was good. I think it was fairly smooth until the end when my calve tightened up again. I think my calve tightness has something to do with my hamstrings so during my stretching sessions at home, I've been making a better effort to stretch out my hamstrings, especially right near the knee to get the calve to loosen a bit.

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    4. #784
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ric View Post
      Nice job brutha
      thank you sir

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    5. #785
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      Side lateral raise superset w/ hammer strength press 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck superset w/ hammer strength press 4 sets
      Wide grip high row superset w/ decline hammer strength press 4 sets
      Battle ropes 4 sets

      The good news is my shoulder didn't bother me at all during the workout. Bad news is I didn't attempt any free weight bench. Maybe on Thursday I'll just give it a go and see how it feels. At the start of the workout my strength felt like trash, the side lateral raises felt a lot more heavy than they were but once I got going I didn't notice anything. Also went with the battle ropes which I haven't used in a couple weeks which was a nice change. Got a phone call while I was doing the battle ropes but I was doing them while talking and the person didn't seem to notice so no harm no foul. Fairly happy with the workout overall.

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    6. #786
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      Glad we played, the past 2 Wednesdays we didn't play. But I also sort of didn't want to play. We have a ceremony at work today and I just didn't want to be tired for it but I figured I'd go and deal with it. It was an ugly game. Not just for me but you could tell people haven't played in 3 weeks. The games took forever and shots were not going in at all. Anyway I started off shooting really bad but playing good in terms of rebounds and assists. As the night went on the shooting improved but the rebounds and assists went down. My left calve got super tight but also my left glute was super tight and now it's sore. I don't really notice as I play, it's during downtime or in between games. I need to really pay attention to it in terms of stretches and stuff.

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    7. #787
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      Battle ropes 4 sets
      Farmer walks superset with single leg wall throws 4 sets
      Flat bench superset w/ box jumps 4 sets
      Jump rope superset w/ bw dips 4 sets

      It was a super long day at work. We had graduation which seems like nothing but a bunch of execs came in for it so you had to be super social the whole time and it was warm in the room we were all smashed into. Then an hour before work I got some bad news on a potential promotion which just drained me. I felt so worn out by the time I got to the gym. I did what I could but never felt all in on the workout. Glad I still went but it was not a super productive workout.

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    8. #788
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Good job YG, something is better then nothing.
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    9. #789
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      Bike Ride

      Basketball shooting

      I knew it was going to be nice out on Saturday so I skipped the gym and used that morning to go for a bike ride. It was a lot of fun. It was really nice with a breeze. I rode pretty far and would have stayed out longer if I didn't have things to do around the house. Later in the day I decided to go to the local park and shoot some baskets. I didn't realize it was as warm as I thought and wore a hoodie, bad mistake as I was sweating in no time. All in all I felt like doing both the riding and shooting both took the place of going to the gym.



      What a disaster it was. We used to get 8-12 guys. Well we had 15 ppl show up this Sunday and the old guy who thinks he runs stuff was throwing a fit the whole time with not being able to play the first game or not being able to give himself the best team. It was totally insane. A few ppl got fed up and just left. He also stopped playing and we were left with 10 guys. Once we had 10 ppl the game ended up being a lot of fun.

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    10. #790
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Good job YG, something is better then nothing.
      haha I agree, after all these years I feel like even in a short period of time or less motivation I still know what I can do to be somewhat effective

      but I tell all the ppl I work with who are just starting to workout that just getting to the gym is better than going home to the couch

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      Leg press superset w/ t bar row 4 sets
      Standing calve raise superset w/ hammer strength low row 4 sets
      Leg extension superset w/ seated leg curl 4 sets

      Jump rope superset w/ cable pullover 4 sets

      Took a little bit different approach in terms of reps today. I tried to do 15-20 reps for most of the sets. I know a lot of ppl who prefer higher reps for legs and I usually do some sets between 12 -14 but rarely a whole workout at around 20ish. Today I did. I still went heavy when it comes to the back work. Overall it was OK, my legs didn't seem to get the greatest pump or feel super worn out but I'm not complaining about being able to sit down comfortably. I never really do pullovers. In fact I don't think I've ever done a DB pullover but someone had a bench in front of the cable machine so I figured I'd try it on there and it was pretty good. The cable needs to be replaced so it added some weird resistance in spots but it felt pretty good overall.

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      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    13. #793
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      Side lateral raise superset w/ flat bench 4 sets
      Bent over rear delt fly superset w/ flat bench 4 sets
      Cable crossover superset w/ YTI 4 sets

      Battle ropes 4 sets

      I was able to bench! sort of. My shoulder gave me some problems but not enough to stop. I used the fat gripz which was more comfortable than not using them. I did more than just 4 sets because I played with the width of my grip to see how wide or close I could go without pain. I'm finding the wider the grip the more it hurts, so I slowly worked my way out to find the perfect balance. I also really enjoyed the crossovers, they caused me pain last time I did them but they felt good this time. The squeeze is what I missed from the movement. All in all it was a good workout.

      The workout came with a sad rumor. In the locker room, one of the older members told me the owner is thinking about closing within a month. That means I need to find a new gym. The gym I play basketball at is the biggest gym in the area but it's expensive and usually packed. I used to go to that gym and enjoyed it for awhile but if you go at the wrong time, your done for with how packed it is.

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      Not sure how I should feel about the games last night. I started off moving really well but not making shots or getting a lot of opportunities. As the games went on I started scoring more. I think the problem was we had some ppl show up that don't always play but love to shoot. So they were just trying to 1 up each other. The last game was a mess. Everyone was tired and ppl were trying to super cute with fancy moves or whatever and none of them were working so I was ready to go home at that point.

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    15. #795
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Farmers walk with trap bar 4 sets
      Box jumps superset w/ lat pulldown 4 sets
      Hammer strength chest press superset w/ facepull 4 sets

      Battle ropes 4 sets
      Jump rope superset w/ random exercise 4 sets

      I was so tired and somewhat sore all day yesterday. Getting out of my seat was painful, walking steps hurt, and we had some boring training which totally wiped me out. I just didn't have energy. Anyway I got to the gym and everything went pretty well. I used the fat gripz on the farmers walks and the lat pulldown. It was really difficult on the farmers walks, almost like the gripz were moving. I think they are cut a bit too big and don't fit the bar tight enough. I made due however. I feel like I hit just about everything though which I was happy about. At the end of all my workouts, I walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes. It's almost like a cool down and I usually feel good when walking. Not this day, I was at the 3 minute mark and already wanted to be done, I was worn out. It felt good to leave the gym yesterday and some rest today will be gladly accepted.

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