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    Thread: Extreme diet pills . . .

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      I buddy of mine that is 55 yo used to compete in power lifting in his late 20's - till about mid-thirties. He now takes test in moderate mgs (400-500 mgs/week most sust or cyp) for maintenance purposes and works out 3 times/week in his basement by himself. He also walks a couple of miles 4-5x's per week.

      To be honest, He looks like he stopped working out 20 years ago altogether and does no cardio. He's had some health issues which excuse his soft approach to working out these days. But he's also about 5'9 and probably weights 230-240 lbs I'm guessing.

      He recently asked if I could get him what he calls extreme diet pills. The wish list included: Vyvanse - when looked up said for binge eating disorder, apidex - when looked up said potent fat burner but also said was an appetite suppressant but had dangerous side effects, fastin - when looked up said it was a thermogenic fat burner but it was unclear whether the OTC version was as potent as the RX version and dexedrine - when looked up said it was for ADHD and seemed more for recreation than for fat lose. None of which I've ever heard of or seen for sale by the sponsors/on any of the suppliers lists. Are any of these worth the risk? And if any of these are that good then Why aren't these used by main stream BBers?

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Extreme diet pills . . .

      Unfortunately, I don't have any knowledge on any of those brotha, so I'll let others chime in. But, after looking up some of them, I would be cautious of him taking them. I'm not sure what health issues he has, but I'd suggest advising him to adjust diet and cardio before going the other route.
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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Extreme diet pills . . .

      Thanks for the reply bro. I was thinking the same thing. People are always looking for a quick fix for there problems by taking shortcuts. He used to put his time in so I gave him the benefit of believing he was doing all he could w/out the help of an extreme diet pill. We all no there's no shortcuts, you have to put your time in to get the types of results most of us here achieve. I'm going to have to remind him of this. Once I see he's putting the time in, I'll help him out but no pill is going to solve his problems, he's gotta do the work first!

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Extreme diet pills . . .

      Totally agree brotha. Especially with health issues being in the mix, I'd suggest getting everything else lined out before even thinking about diet supplements.

      I come across people all the time looking for quick results. Seems like very few people want to actually put in the time and work any more. The question I'm asked the most is, "What can I take to look like this, or that?" Supplements can be a great asset, but I think some people forget that's what they are... a supplement. Not the base of their results.
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    5. #5
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      Hey, All, I'm study abroad life new here from India. Thanks for sharing this.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Extreme diet pills . . .

      I would not mess with any diet pill like vyvanse. Too many sides, couple with potential health probs from being overweight and no cardio could lead to bigger probs. Sounds like he wants the "magic pill" don't we all. Sorry I am no help.
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      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      • Extreme diet pills . . .
      Great thread here...

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