Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
jipped whats the does for sleep? i suspect mine will be in any day now...
I wish I had gotten the 3000 mg. The 1500 does work well. I tried vaping it and it irritated my lungs just a bit giving my a little dry cough for 3 hours the 2 times I have vaped it. I do not know it if is just my sensitive lungs or maybe an ingredient that does not agree with me. I do have asthma but Koi brand does not do this to me although it is 300 mg and specifically for vaping. (I use a stock jomotech box mod)

Here is the thing. Oral ingestion of 1500 mg probably nets more active CBD than vaping 300mg stuff anyway so for the price I am quite happy. I poured my vape tank back into the bottle the best I could and we will use it orally. Not knocking the product, just stating my experience. I would love to hear if someone else has tried vaping it and their experience. The serum is thicker than the other brand I used before that again are specific for vape.

apbt549 as for sleep, I it helps me fall asleep but more importantly it HELPS me stay asleep. I wake up all the fricken time. last night i woke once with 1 full dropper and a mouthful of water on an empty stomach before bed. I do the water to thin the serum so it goes down and does not coat the back of my throat. I want it all where it can be absorbed.