With the holidays upon us we will be spending more time with the family. Some of you know my sis and her fam are ultra left wing feminist, liberal nut jobs. I do not care about another's political affiliations as long as they keep it to themselves.

My mom called me and asked me to try to keep it civil, she really wants a good Thanksgiving without any arguments.

I did what any son would do, I said "Did you tell her? She starts it!" (And she does)

What do you guys do to keep the peace? I want nothing more than to just enjoy some good food and some football. But my sis is an opinionated proselytizer. She will see a hot dog commercial and say "I will not buy from them, there is not enough diversity in that commercial they need people of color and why can't the woman cook the hot dogs why is it always the man....hmmmmm?l!"

And I say "no shit you won't buy them are a vegetarian and dammit dad's love grilling ....DUHHHHhhhhHHH!"

How can I stop myself?