I cap turmeric and ginger. I just use it now to ease indigestion when I get it infrequently. I may start taking it daily. But not with milk, I do not want the extra calories even if it is just 50-60.

I looked this up as turmeric needs to be taken with fat. I think I remember it from another post when I did research on it. Also black pepper is good to add.

I will try it. I will do my caps with 2-3 fishoil and next time I make caps will add black pepper or piperine to aid bio availability. If you did not read the article it says "Must be taken with fat" and "(piperine in black pepper) enhances curcumin’s (curcumin is the chem in tumeric that is good) bioavailability by 1,000 times"

Also why not take straight curcumin supp with piperine or bioperine already in it?

either way I think it is an easy way to add a bit of health to my life. THANKS!

Here: How to Optimize Turmeric Absorption for Super-Boosted Benefits