Quote Originally Posted by apbt549 View Post
a few years after the go cart we saved some more money and got a used YZ125 man that thing was a blast.. we could never get the gas mixed right and we burned up more pistons we lost count.. when you took that thing for a ride you rode with an extra spark plugs and a crescent wrench bc the plug would fowl out or we mixed the gas to lean and we'd burn the piston up.. thinking about it now we maybe needed to check the jetting on the carb it might have been to rich or to lean... that was my first in counter with LE i passed one coming home on a road he turned around to come after me i twisted that throttle and hauled ass home and pulled around the back of the house and hide the bike..
we used to haul ass from a buddies house to an old practice race track back in the mountains on a state road. the law never messed with us if they ever saw us on the roads. we were hill billys so their were very few cops but they really didnt care either haha. we had to do the same thing though. always carrying extra parts and something was always breaking down on someone's bike. man we had a lot of fun growing up. i remember riding from daylight till dark and being able to hear those motors from the bikes in your ears for days sitting in school they were so loud. i am sure that was part of the start of my hearing loss way back when. no one used hearing protection for anything back then haha