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    Thread: Recent Changes

    1. #1
      Northeastconfederate's Avatar
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      For about a year now, I've been in pretty much a holding pattern. Life is busy enough that I don't get to train as regularly as I'd like, though it's enough to maintain. Likewise, I seem to be eating an appropriate maintenance diet. I'm 5-10; 200 1st thing in the morning after the toilet but before any food or water; and for the last year or so about 12%. I've been telling myself for that whole year that I'd really like to cut it down to <10%; really I'd like to get as low as 8% or even less. In fact, a year and a half ago or so, I was up around 14 or 15% and 208 or so. I started slowly and not real diligently cutting down then, intending to continue on down. But I hit the spot where I've been and it was pretty comfortable, so never got past it.

      A few weeks ago I was at a family wedding which was a weekend party and included lots of pool time. My 26 year old daughter, who suffers from a form of mental illness called "veganism" remarked that she could "see the meat on you". And that if I "stopped eating meat, I'd be ripped". Consider that the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak....

      I didn't change much. Just reduced slightly - and not by any measured amounts - my overall calorie intake, starting about 2 weeks ago, maybe 3. I've also attempted to increase the frequency of my workouts, though life hasn't changed so that's hit or miss, still. The results are outstanding! I've lost 4 lbs and about 2% so far. Down to 197 this morning and roughly 10% as measured by my cheapo bodybuilding.com plastic caliper using the 3-point method. Before you comment on the inaccuracy of that, understand that I don't really give a shit about the actual %... just the look. Any % values I referenced during this dialog come from this method and tool, so it's all relative to that. And if I'm not happy with the look at such-and-so %, I'll keep going. Unless my wife bakes another blueberry-raspberry pie..... Then all nets are off.... Recent Changes Recent Changes

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      You keep working hard we all here can help. At 51 I'm at 245 down from 280. Mu goal is 225 again.
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      that's awesome man. if i went vege only i would kill someone. no need for that nonesense anyway. keep nailing the consistency and keeping the cals down and you will hit your goals in no time
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      Thanks fellas! I have to say, I have a mental hangup about going under 200.... It took me a long time and a lot of effort to get to 200! I know it's irrational, but now being under that makes me a little nuts. I really just need to stay off the scale, probably.

      I should also mention that I have to be 'gluten free' or else I get VERY uncomfortable: bloating; wicked heartburn, etc. Meat and veggies are always safe; seasonings less so. Gotta be careful, gluten is in all kinds of things you wouldn't think it would be. I've had this issue long enough that it isn't too much of a problem for me anymore, I just have to prepare all my food for myself - my wife helps with this A LOT - and carry a big lunch box...

      But, like I said, a little bit less of everything seems to be doing the trick.

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      So a couple things have totally F-ed up my progress train the last few days. First off, my wife did, indeed, bake another blueberry pie... LOL! She's become a fantastic gluten-free baker. It's sliced and in the freezer and the theory is I'll have a slice with a couple scoops of lactose free ice cream (yes, I'm lactose intolerant also) once per week. I usually manage to have enough self control to do that. However, the past 3 days I've been on a pie binge: a slice and 2 scoops 3 days/nights in a row!

      The other thing is, I'm going to be starting a new job in a few weeks and had to get a pre-employment physical including blood work which required fasting. I also worked night shift this week. The only appointment they had was 9 am. So I stayed up instead of going to bed; ate my last meal at 2 am; stopped at a diner for a 5 egg omelette and potatoes on the way home from the doc and finally got to take a 2 hour nap starting at about 1:30. So was up for 25 hours straight with no food for 10 of those hours. Last night was an annual event that has become a family tradition; my daughter and granddaughter are up from VA; so no option to take the night at home. Ate when I got up around 4; then ate ALL NIGHT LONG at the festival! 2 dozen clams; 3 crabs; 2 ears of corn; sausage, peppers and onions; and cole slaw. Capped the night off with that 3rd slice of pie and 2 scoops of ice cream I mentioned earlier.

      Slept from midnight until 9 this morning and still feel like a train wreck! Not likely to get a workout in today... Playing hockey tomorrow night, though. Work next week day shift (12 hour shifts)... But then off for a week! Woo hoo! Get caught up on workouts then, for sure! Should be starting my new job the week after that....

      That new job schedule should make workouts easier to keep consistent.

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      I know how you feel for sure. I get consistent and excited then here comes a curve ball. Keep at it brutha.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Recent Changes

      your not alone. pie is a weakness.. ha

      well, training is one thing but cant forget to live along the way we're human.. enjoy the goodies and family. good luck with the new job. shitty job can reek havoc on your life i know that all to well

    8. #8
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      Quote Originally Posted by guage View Post
      your not alone. pie is a weakness.. ha

      well, training is one thing but cant forget to live along the way we're human.. enjoy the goodies and family. good luck with the new job. shitty job can reek havoc on your life i know that all to well
      Oh, God, is pie ever a weakness! LOL! I can leave pretty much any sweets alone without difficulty. Except pie... Recent Changes Recent Changes But the pie binge is over! Had another slice last night; next one will be a week from now. I try to make Saturday night my dessert night. For the most part, the rest of my diet doesn't really change all that much, primarily meat and veggies. Some starchy carbs tossed in like rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes, but because of my gluten issue, that's pretty much it. One of the recent changes I've made is to limit carbs relatively strictly. If I'm going to have some it's usually at night. The exception to this is corn on the cob, which of course is in season. But that's usually with dinner anyway, so it works.

      The job thing is huge. My current job - soon to be former, I'm giving notice tomorrow - has me on the DuPont shift schedule. For those not familiar, it's a 4 week rotation; the scheduled weeks run Fri thru Thurs. It works like this:

      F thru M night shift (get off Tues am), so 4 nights; then off 3 days (Tues thru Thurs - so really 2 days). That's the 1st 7 day block.

      Then it's F thru Sun days (3 on); off M (1 off) followed by Tu thru Th night (3 on).

      3rd week is 3 off, F thru Sun (but don't forget F is a half sleep day) then day shift M thru Thurs. We call this Hell Week.

      Keep in mind these are all 12 hour shifts, 5:30a thru 5:30p, with a turnover period at the end/beginning of each shift. So the shifts often run 12-1/2 hours. 5:30a start time on days means rise time is 3:30 to have enough time to cook and eat breakfast, pack lunch and commute 30 minutes, then change to work clothes in the locker room and be ready for turnover.

      The payoff is the 4th week: this one is off 7 days F thru Sat. Then is starts all over with the 4 nights beginning on F.

      I'm about to go into Hell Week. And after being up for 24 hours straight from Thurs to Fri afternoon; then getting only 2 hours sleep and being up until after midnight Fri night, I am absolutely exhausted despite sleeping for 9 hours Fri and 10 last night. Some guys regularly just stay up the day after their last night shift - I dunno how they do it. I'm a fuggin wreck...

      Anyway, no real harm done regarding physique progress: I'm still 197 and about 10%. I'm not hitting the weights again today, though. Simply too wiped out and supposed to play hockey tonight, which is a hell of a HIIT workout! Been off the ice for months because of my work schedule. Hoping the new job - which is also rotating shift, but a totally different schedule - will let me get back to playing regularly.

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      shit just call me the sugar monster. i do not discriminate against goodies at all. i have discovered some awesome cobblers a few weeks ago that if i didnt have sick discipline i would be 50% body fat and on my death bed. i do strict diet all week and have one cheat meal a week in my off season. i am also a huge fan of pie and ice cream. may have to move that into my lineup next weekend now that you mention it haha
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      Well, the pie and ice cream binge is over as of a week or so ago. Maybe it's only been 4 or 5 days.... LOL! And we're having a few friends over tonight for a sendoff dinner (one is moving to the Left Coast - we're in the Northeast, as you may have guessed from my handle...) and my wife is baking another one... Though I expect it will be all but gone tonight.

      Meanwhile, I'm down to 196, which is about 6 lbs from my starting point in June. I'm starting to look a little more vascular, and I can see and feel the fat missing from my waist. No doubt I'm losing some muscle, too, which I'm not excited about. But that's how it goes, I guess.

      Gear: I'm on TRT which I supplement a little bit. I have found that I do not respond well to heavy doses of testosterone - I won't get into too much detail about what exactly I mean by that other than to say that contrary to most guys' experience, too much test causes the same performance issues for me that not enough causes. That said, here's my weekly gear routine:

      M and F: 100mg TC; 300mg Mast E; 25mg Trest Ace; 50mg Mast P 30mg TP.

      I will be dropping the long esters soon for 3 weeks; I'll add Wed to the short ester routine; then drop the shorts for a week; and start over with just Test Cyp. I need a reset. The above combo has been working well for a few months but after a while I need to "start over" with a lower dose and add the Mast in as needed. It's also intersting that I seem to respond better to short esters. But I can't stand pinning EOD for very long.

      I haven't done a caliper measurement in a while; I'll do that later and see where I am as far as that goes. Meanwhile, I'll put up a couple of pics: one of the 205 lb starting point and one just taken during this morning's back workout. Overall I'm pleased, but like I said at the beginning of this thread, I have a mental thing about being less than 200 lbs, even though I know I look better... Retarted, I know, but...

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      Quote Originally Posted by Northeastconfederate View Post
      Well, the pie and ice cream binge is over as of a week or so ago. Maybe it's only been 4 or 5 days.... LOL! And we're having a few friends over tonight for a sendoff dinner (one is moving to the Left Coast - we're in the Northeast, as you may have guessed from my handle...) and my wife is baking another one... Though I expect it will be all but gone tonight.

      Meanwhile, I'm down to 196, which is about 6 lbs from my starting point in June. I'm starting to look a little more vascular, and I can see and feel the fat missing from my waist. No doubt I'm losing some muscle, too, which I'm not excited about. But that's how it goes, I guess.

      Gear: I'm on TRT which I supplement a little bit. I have found that I do not respond well to heavy doses of testosterone - I won't get into too much detail about what exactly I mean by that other than to say that contrary to most guys' experience, too much test causes the same performance issues for me that not enough causes. That said, here's my weekly gear routine:

      M and F: 100mg TC; 300mg Mast E; 25mg Trest Ace; 50mg Mast P 30mg TP.

      I will be dropping the long esters soon for 3 weeks; I'll add Wed to the short ester routine; then drop the shorts for a week; and start over with just Test Cyp. I need a reset. The above combo has been working well for a few months but after a while I need to "start over" with a lower dose and add the Mast in as needed. It's also intersting that I seem to respond better to short esters. But I can't stand pinning EOD for very long.

      I haven't done a caliper measurement in a while; I'll do that later and see where I am as far as that goes. Meanwhile, I'll put up a couple of pics: one of the 205 lb starting point and one just taken during this morning's back workout. Overall I'm pleased, but like I said at the beginning of this thread, I have a mental thing about being less than 200 lbs, even though I know I look better... Retarted, I know, but...

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      Let's see those pics brother.

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      Blue shorts is older, grey shorts is this morning.50%25%2020170613_102620-1512x2016.jpg20180804_101244.jpg

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      That's my redneck home gym you see in the mirror. My wife and I built it and dropped our gym membership several years ago. I LOVE that I can just go down the stairs to the gym instead of drive 25 minutes each way; train by myself or with my wife; listen to what I want - including NOTHING! Recent ChangesRecent Changes

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      Quote Originally Posted by Northeastconfederate View Post
      That's my redneck home gym you see in the mirror. My wife and I built it and dropped our gym membership several years ago. I LOVE that I can just go down the stairs to the gym instead of drive 25 minutes each way; train by myself or with my wife; listen to what I want - including NOTHING! Recent ChangesRecent Changes

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      I am jealous of your gym but proud you named it after me hillbilly. Lmao brother you look great. There is no way I could ever go vegan.

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      My bad you said redneck my parts were the same thing kind of redneck is a little louder.

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