i love the smith machine for incline presses. i had impingement issues way back in the day in right delt and went from being unable to do any incline benching to doing 275 on inclines with the smith. even after i had rotator cuff surgery on left delt (from jujutsu training, not lifting) the pecs came right back up after rehab. only issue i have is my old gym closed this spring and the new gym i am at has a smith with no cable assist so the 235 i was banging out 12 reps with this spring was down to 6 reps my first workout at the new gym, but gradually back up to 10 reps again. i havent used it for overhead press yet as without the assistance cable it's still a safety issue in my head for the repaired delt pushing big boy weight so i've been using the cybex shoulder press but overall with the exception of squats i love everything about the smith machine least of which is being able to go to absolute failure without a training partner/spotter and still having no safety concerns. to each his own, whatever works for your body and comfort level.