I was 18yrs old just got my hair cut and Blown dry by my stylist because I was going to some girls Prom. On the way home I felt like I had to shit. Well it started to get worse I stopped by 2 friends houses and no one was home so I said I can make it. Well I got to the road to cross to go to my house but was behind 2 cars and the road was busy. I was getting the feeling worse I had to dump. Well I pulled over to the side of the road and ran about 50 feet to the biggest tree I was wearing blue silk Mickey Mouse shorts oh the were my favorite so soft on the jewels so I pulled down my paints took a shit while people watching and if ya know me I dont give a fukand I took off 1 sock wiped my ass walked back to the car. Got home took a bath just to freshen up didnt want to shower just got my hair done and Prom I went. True Story