What You Need to Know

First off, MK-2866 or Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) containing ((2S)-3-(4-cyanophenoxy)-N-[4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide). The recommended serving is one capsule per day, which supposedly results in improved testosterone levels and muscle strength. One benefit is that you can take the pill on-the-go.
The product was first introduced as a compound used to reduce muscle wasting in 2009 by GTRx and appears to be affordable, impressive. Multiple retailers sell the supplement, although the official website doesn’t. We like that we located some favorable customer comments and that it’s readily available, but read on…
Ineffective Ingredients – “No Gains?”

The first negative was the ineffectiveness of MK-2866 ingredients. “You spend money on a product and you want it to work, simple as that,” said our Research Editor.
“After 2 weeks of using MK2866 I have never been so upset with how I spent my money. At this time I do not recommend sarm,” stated a user.
“I didn’t notice anything from…Mk-2866, though. So I’d avoid that one,” commented a customer.
We couldn’t help but add a few positives in here, because some users actually liked the results. One said, “I used Ostaring during my PCT, had good results.”
Another shares, “When I first started using, I made some good gains.”
Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year.
Side Effects – “Negative!”

Customers commenting in forums stated MK-2866 side effects were severe. “I have experienced the following side effects from the drug…Slight head ache, possibly a slight increase in libido,” commented a customer.
“I’ve been taking Ostarine for a week now (@20mg a day) had trouble sleeping the first 4 nights,” reported a user.
“Did it. Not worth it,” said another.
Though we found multiple reports of reactions that were not great, we also found some that said the opposite. One review claimed, “This stuff is quite well tolerated and has a really low occurance of side effects.”
Another said, “Side effects are so low.”
We have the experience and our research has shown that any portion of a supplement thought of as problematic, like negative side effects, could halt long-term success. If customers report adverse reactions, is it worth your money?
The Science – “Studies?”

Although no links to research, the official website makes mention of clinical trials related to MK-2866. According to the company, “selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs)…for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting associated with cancer.” The studies don’t report increased testosterone levels, strength or improved fat loss. This contradicted the claims from the company and doesn’t relate to the specific formula. At DietSpotlight, solid science is critical to the review process. If a company doesn’t provide science-based facts, we see a problem.
What Users Are Saying

"Good stuff for a post cycle or to seriously boost a pro-hormone cycle, but I’d save such a great tool for stand alone or pct use. Thumbs up!"
Lee Anderson
"I took 9 a day. 3 after each meal. If you eat right and get your dosage right it works. Won’t see much bulking but it will definitely put on lean muscle and strength."
Matthew Lott
"Didn’t see any results."
Bill Harpole
The Bottom Line – Does MK-2866 Work?

So, are you ready to read our final thoughts on MK-2866? Well, we like that we located some favorable customer comments and that the company has been operating for years, but we’re concerned about the scientific research not showing the supplement will cause the results claimed by retailers. We’re also skeptical about the reports of ineffective ingredients and negative side effects.
If you’re ready to boost testosterone levels and strength, we suggest going with a formula containing ingredients with no reported negative side effects and proven through research to work.
Among the best products we’ve researched this year is one called Boost. The supplement consists of a nine-ingredient proprietary blend, which has been shown to help boost testosterone levels and muscle strength. The talk on the web from customers relates to seeing great results and no one is chattering about negative side effects.