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    Thread: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

    1. #1
      Uncle Ric's Avatar
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      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      Are Orals Necessary?

      I know you have regularly warned of the higher health risks of orals … on the liver and cholesterol. These drugs are very popular, and it makes me wonder: Do you think they are worth the greater risks for some people? I guess what I am asking is, can you get the same results without ever using an oral?

      You raise a good question. I can’t say I can answer it with certainty, and the answer may ultimately be an individual one. I do have my opinions, however. First, I would remind us that all drugs of this class (anabolic-androgenic steroids; AAS) primarily work through the same mechanism. They activate the cellular androgen receptor, imparting a message to increase protein synthesis. There are some side mechanisms, of course, which are absent or stronger in some steroids versus others. But these are not as critical to the end effect, nor exclusive to orals.

      If you eliminated all oral AAS (even injectable versions of oral drugs like stanozolol), you would be left with the following basic steroids: testosterone, nandrolone, methenolone, drostanolone, trenbolone and boldenone. In that collection, there is a mix of steroids with different basic properties … testosterone is highly androgenic and estrogenic, and obviously known as the universal mass builder. Nandrolone and boldenone are less estrogenic; some of your basic “lean mass-building” anabolics. You have methenolone and drostanolone on the dry side (no estrogen) as well, for cutting and hardening. And of course there is trenbolone, quite a potent injectable viewed by many as versatile for mass, strength and hardening.

      You can accomplish a lot with only these injectable AAS. Can you get to the same place? I’d think so, but that is really hard to say for sure. For many, orals are a convenient way to ramp-up the potency of a stack without jamming themselves with more (an uncomfortable level) of injections. They allow a level of use that would otherwise be impractical. Perhaps some may also make a case that they just can’t personally achieve the same results as when they incorporate X, Y or Z cycles. That said, I think the opposite holds true for the majority of users. If you made a conscious decision to simply avoid orals, you’d probably never be worse off for it physique-wise, and your health markers would undoubtedly thank you for it.

      William Llewellyn​

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

      I have never been a big believer in oral AAS. When I was young it was said the effects were temporary and mostly bloat besides they were more expensive than injectable AAS. Now I realize the effects don't have to be temporary or bloat depending on your training and diet but truth is IMO they are less effective than most injectable add that to the health risk and I rarely use orals.

      What is your opinion?

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

      I like orals my self esp proviron(year round for me) anavar (heard injectables hurt) and halo.i don think I could replace those three with injectables,all though substitution with a oil is possible and would bring similar results,all those who know my cycles know I do enough pinning and don't need the added oils (lol).
      So for me orals are a must esp proviron it puts me in a better mood and frame of mind when I'm on it ,better than any antidepressant imho.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

      Hobby bodybuilder not necessary competitive bodybuilder absolutely. Power lifter absolutely. Average guy wanting to be in shape not at all

      Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

      Im not a fan of orals. I hardly ever took them, i hate taking pills. Id runny winnt tabs the last few weeks prior to a show but thats about it, maybe some dbol for 3 weeks at a time. Never got that much out of them
      "I don't need the promise of Heaven or the threat of HELL to be a good person"

    6. #6
      rocky83's Avatar
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      Default Re: Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

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      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--

      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      • Do I Need Oral Steroids? Post your opinion after article--
      As a powerlifter the oral AAS does help me for specific uses. I also think that since such little study as actually been done on steroids and human use that I think that's up in the air for debate. I do know that my body reacts differently to different compounds. Some reactions are better then others. So, in that sense having more an option of different steroid compounds can help out. What works for one guy doesn't always work for the next. I have at least learned that after 17 years of experimenting with my body and training.

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