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    Thread: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

    1. #1
      MxxC82's Avatar
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      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      Ello ladies and gents. Its been a good while since I have last been on this board, some health and life reasons have kept me down and away. But, I am back and back at some of my routines.

      I recently (8-23-17) started a short stack cyc of TrenE/TestE and running 200mg/125mg e3d. I started on the first two weeks low dosing the Tren simply because i have not ran a cyc in a few years and did not really no what to expect from it and how i would react to it, and after two weeks of low dose i went to a full 200mg e3d of it and stayed the same with the TestE. Right now i am going in to my 6th week of the cyc and I am just received my HCG to run until the end of the short cyc before starting PCT. I have some Arimidex tabs laying around just in case, but have not felt the need to start using it yet. I guess a few questions i have after trying to read several threads are:

      1) how should i mix up my HCG to run 250iu 2x/wk? (I have 10ml bottle of BAC water and 1 5000iu amp of HCG)

      2) What would cause a plane-out on gains without really changing up my diet? ( 60/20/20 protein/carbs/fats )

      I am not taking anything else right now other than a small scoop of pure taurine in the morning and flaxseed oil and Omega3's throughout the day. Ocassionally i my slide in some yogurt a couple hours before bed, and I am staying very hydrated and taking in a decent amount of electolytes each day as well. Also, I am not too sure how strong the Tren actually is, it came from one of the more recent sponsors i noticed had joined here, and I say this because i have been gong as heavy as my frame will let me right now and most of my lifting is powerlifting exercises and concentrating on major muscle groups and my gains are not what i was really expecting up to this point.

      Thanks to any Vet on here with Tren experience and this type of stack. Any and all advice is welcome, criticism, critiquing, and inappropriate jokes are welcome as well!

      Glad to be back and glad to see some are still here and kicking and doing well!
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    2. #2
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT


      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      Ello ladies and gents. Its been a good while since I have last been on this board, some health and life reasons have kept me down and away. But, I am back and back at some of my routines.

      I recently (8-23-17) started a short stack cyc of TrenE/TestE and running 200mg/125mg e3d. I started on the first two weeks low dosing the Tren simply because i have not ran a cyc in a few years and did not really no what to expect from it and how i would react to it, and after two weeks of low dose i went to a full 200mg e3d of it and stayed the same with the TestE. Right now i am going in to my 6th week of the cyc and I am just received my HCG to run until the end of the short cyc before starting PCT. I have some Arimidex tabs laying around just in case, but have not felt the need to start using it yet. I guess a few questions i have after trying to read several threads are:

      1) how should i mix up my HCG to run 250iu 2x/wk? (I have 10ml bottle of BAC water and 1 5000iu amp of HCG)

      2) What would cause a plane-out on gains without really changing up my diet? ( 60/20/20 protein/carbs/fats )

      I am not taking anything else right now other than a small scoop of pure taurine in the morning and flaxseed oil and Omega3's throughout the day. Ocassionally i my slide in some yogurt a couple hours before bed, and I am staying very hydrated and taking in a decent amount of electolytes each day as well. Also, I am not too sure how strong the Tren actually is, it came from one of the more recent MEMBERS i noticed had joined here, and I say this because i have been gong as heavy as my frame will let me right now and most of my lifting is powerlifting exercises and concentrating on major muscle groups and my gains are not what i was really expecting up to this point.

      Thanks to any Vet on here with Tren experience and this type of stack. Any and all advice is welcome, criticism, critiquing, and inappropriate jokes are welcome as well!

      Glad to be back and glad to see some are still here and kicking and doing well!
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      I'm not trying to be better than anyone, I am just trying to be better than who I was yesterday.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Tren can cause prolactin issues that are not estro related so adex is good for estro and caber good for prolactin. However, you seem to be doing alright thus far. I am not saying you need to rush and get some caber or your fucked lol. Just something to keep in mind just in case.

      I add 2ml of BAC to my 5000iu HCG vials. That yields 250iu HCG every 10iu on the slin pin. With the doses your running 500iu hcg 2x wk should be sufficient while on cycle. You can take it IM or subq. When you come off you will need to increase that dose but not by too too much cz it can suppress your natty test production. I will let someone else share their thoughts on doses of hcg for your pct.

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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      Tren can cause prolactin issues that are not estro related so adex is good for estro and caber good for prolactin. However, you seem to be doing alright thus far. I am not saying you need to rush and get some caber or your fucked lol. Just something to keep in mind just in case.

      I add 2ml of BAC to my 5000iu HCG vials. That yields 250iu HCG every 10iu on the slin pin. With the doses your running 500iu hcg 2x wk should be sufficient while on cycle. You can take it IM or subq. When you come off you will need to increase that dose but not by too too much cz it can suppress your natty test production. I will let someone else share their thoughts on doses of hcg for your pct.
      Thanks for the input! I thought about mixing 5ml BAC with the 5000iu hcg to get the dose easier, but im open to input because i will pin my gear today and start my hcg tomorrow. I think it was DZONE who started the thread about itchy nips back in Feb of this year, i have noticed a little sensitivity and the occasional itching but nothing major, so i think i am going to start the Arimidex with the hcg as well to be safe. I have to say, i have been eating a lot more red meat lately, and even though it is a good source of protein i think i am going to back off the red meat and switch it up with some different animal protein to see if anything changes.
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      Thanks for the input! I thought about mixing 5ml BAC with the 5000iu hcg to get the dose easier, but im open to input because i will pin my gear today and start my hcg tomorrow. I think it was DZONE who started the thread about itchy nips back in Feb of tahis year, i have noticed a little sensitivity and the occasional itching but nothing major, so i think i am going to start the Arimidex with the hcg as well to be safe. I have to say, i have been eating a lot more red meat lately, and even though it is a good source of protein i think i am going to back off the red meat and switch it up with some different animal protein to see if anything changes.
      There is nothing wrong with using 5ml BAC as long as it fits in the vial with your hcg. 250iu 2x a wk is better starting point than 500iu 2x wk like what i had said previously. being conservative is smart. hcg does not aromatize but it can increase test which does so starting adex is good idea i think plus your taking test. if your nips get worse i would recommend trying some caber. I dont think red meat has anything to do with your nipples.

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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      I just saw a few people replied to you in DZONE's thread, myself included LOL.

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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by DethKlok View Post
      I dont think red meat has anything to do with your nipples.
      I was referring to lack of energy and sluggish in the gym... guess i should have elaborated a little more with that!..
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      I was referring to lack of energy and sluggish in the gym... guess i should have elaborated a little more with that!..
      oops my bad lol. just about anyone can poke compounds and swallow pills itd diet that is the hardest thing we can do i think. Post in the nutrition forum. Lots of experienced folks will have input. I stick to chicken but treat myself to steak here and there.

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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      good luck boss!

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      updates??? How's it goin?
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      updates??? How's it goin?

      So far so good, still waiting on my Caber to show up. I am not so sure that my blood pressure isn't high, so I am going to get that checked out today. Other than that I think everything is good.
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      Default Re: Tren E/Test E stack and PCT

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      updates??? How's it goin?

      So, i checked my blood pressure earlier, 151/84, top number is a little high but not too terribly bad. My concern was with my heart rate, it showed 128bpm and that is kinda high. Also, i wole up with a nose bleed today and that hasnt happened since i was a kid! a little concerned with that as well.... i am going to call and get an appointment with a doc tomorrow to go in and see what is up because that is a little concerning. I am curious as to if they will refuse treatment if i actually tell the doc what i have been doing or taking.... I hate that they say "patient confidentiality" but when you tell them in confidence what is going on they may or may not recommend or treat you... who knows! Any advice on that?
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      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      • Tren E/Test E stack and PCT
      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      So, i checked my blood pressure earlier, 151/84, top number is a little high but not too terribly bad. My concern was with my heart rate, it showed 128bpm and that is kinda high. Also, i wole up with a nose bleed today and that hasnt happened since i was a kid! a little concerned with that as well.... i am going to call and get an appointment with a doc tomorrow to go in and see what is up because that is a little concerning. I am curious as to if they will refuse treatment if i actually tell the doc what i have been doing or taking.... I hate that they say "patient confidentiality" but when you tell them in confidence what is going on they may or may not recommend or treat you... who knows! Any advice on that?
      hey man. the hormones are going to mess with you just like when you were a teenager. that and the bp can and will give you nose bleeds. lower the doses or drop the tren entirely and start doing cardio. if you tell them what you are doing then most likely they are going to treat you like a junkie and or you are going to be in for a host of expensive batteries of tests. nothing at all wrong with getting some good testing and stuff done but you damn sure better trust the hell out of the doc you are seeing. most of these guys and gals still go off of bs 50s research and beliefs. one even told a buddy of mine that admitted what he was doing that he was going to end up like lyle alzado. fucking retard. that's how stupid most of them are.
      also something i have figured out in my time because new docs and just being in hospitals and docs offices stresses me out. it causes a spike in both of my bp and my pulse. so i literally have to take some deep breaths and focus when dealing with those fools. that and if you have a half way good sized arm, they will try to take it with the wrong cuff. that will give you a bs reading also. i can go on and on with my dealings with these people over the years
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