
Squat superset with weighted pull ups 6 sets
Leg press superset with t bar row 4 sets
Standing calve raise superset with straight bar pulldown 2 sets

Another quality workout. I can't go heavy when doing the squat and pull up combo. By the 4th set I am winded. My chest is burning and I'm sweating pretty heavy. I did increase the weight from the past weeks and was able to handle it which was a good sign. But the 5th and the 6th set I just wanted to get done, I probably didn't give enough time between sets. All the other exercises felt solid though. I woke up this morning and my whole body is sore/tight. I miss the feeling, it's been a few weeks since I was sore so its a welcome sign to me.

Two things I keep forgetting to do at night is hit a scale and buy stamps. Last night before bed I totally forgot to do either. So hopefully tonight I remember. With vacation and my birthday I got home from the gym the last 2 nights, ate and tried to clean what is a mess of a house.

Overall though I feel a lot more lean than I did a week ago. I feel more sturdy if that makes sense too. Hopefully the scale reflects this as well.