Quote Originally Posted by Rake View Post
My opinion HRT is the wrong term and TRT is more descriptive even though many think the terms are synonymous. I believe it is more important to have a level delivery system for TRT. I personal cruise on a range of 250 to 350 a week. Many people have a problem taking multiple inject so they shove 250 of cyp in their ass once a week. In my experience this is not best way to keep a consistent level on test in you system. It works much better if you take an injection everyday at the same time of day ( Right after I get done shaving and shitting). all ester have a peak when the test is released in to you system. Just like when you where a young man you want a steady release of test entering you blood stream everyday. Whatever ester you use I believe 35 to 50 mgs everyday will get you a level test delivery which will brings you back to when you were 35 years old. Use your blood test from the doctor to monitor you level and adjust accordingly.
i like your thought on it.