Over the last 15 years I've experimented with different training approaches. I started out doing muscle isolation once per week for each body part but after about 2 years my gains slowed so I started looking for the cause, worked on diet didn't help, lifted heavier and did more sets also didn't work. I had some mixed success with different routines until I started doing 5x5. 3 on 1 off. My growth kicked into high gear. I believe the 5x5 is best suited for me due to my very physically demanding job. I had been over training and under eating for the level of training I was putting my body through. The 5x5 gave muscles enough work to grow but didn't exhaust my muscles that then Had to perform rigorous labor the next day at work. After I remedied my gym issues I turned to my diet. I wasn't getting enough nutrients or rest to meet the demand I was placing on my body prior to 5x5.
I've always struggled with eating enough. Working outside in heat doing construction kills my appetite during the day until I'm home N hour or two then my hunger explodes. I'm just. Of capable of framing 3000clean calories down a day. So rather than focusing solely on calories and protien amount I aimed for balanced meals every meal. Lean protien,uncooked or steamed veggies, nuts and fruits. No processed or fast food ect. My body responded well to the diet change also. It took over 10 years to find what worked best for my body and lifestyle. I would highly recommend to anyone not making progress with fitness to reevaluate your approach. Experiment and find the protocol that your body responds to.