
Flat DB press superset with side lateral raise 4 sets
Decline hammer strength superset with facepull 4 sets
Underhand bench superset with wide grip high row 4 sets
Peck deck superset with rear delt fly 3 sets

I was fairly impressed with my workout. The weight I was moving was right up there where I was in the middle of the winter if not a touch more. I swear I was able to get 3 or 4 more reps on the decline hammer strength than I'm used to. As you can see I didn't do any presses for the shoulder and that was the plan I figured I've been getting enough front delt work from benches and presses that I wanted to focus more on the rear delt. I did have some tightness in my right shoulder during the workout but nothing enough to stop me from going full force.

Woke up this morning, top abs are showing more detail, I was hoping to get that look in February but 3 days late isn't too bad either. Pretty happy with where I am this early. Last year I was no where close until like June.