Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
The rule of thumb has always been in an acute situation, like an injury, NEVER put heat on it. It will feel great while the heat is being applied, due to the analgesic effect of heat, but as soon as the heat is removed, the area will be much more swollen as heat causes swelling. The first 48 hours post injury should always be ICE. Prefereably R.I.C.E. which stands for Rest Ice Compression and Elevation. Compression can be from an ace bandage. After 48-72 hours its ok to see if heat is ok. If it creates more pain afterward, you go back to icing. Best to follow up the heat treatment with ICE at least early on. That will negate the swelling effect of the heat. But the heat will definitely increase blood flow and promote healing.
Very helpful advice. Thanks Dzone.

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