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    1. #256
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      DB curl 4 sets
      BB curl 4 sets
      Double cable high curl 4 sets
      Underhand reverse extension 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Underhand extension 4 sets
      Overhand single arm extension 4 sets


      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 4 sets
      Shoulder press on hack squat 4 sets
      Incline bench 4 sets
      Flat bench 4 sets
      Cable crossover 4 sets

      Yesterday was a tail of two tapes. I was off so I woke up and went to the gym, at first my energy levels were complete garbage. Hence why I didn't do standing shoulder press with free weights, I just didn't feel the energy or motivation and figured if I tried anything difficult my form would not be where I want it to be. However once I got into my chest workout, I was locked in. I felt really good and the benching felt strong and I was energized and focused. Even with the Max Out I probably just needed extra time to wake up. All in all I enjoyed the workout towards the end, especially the cable crossovers, the squeeze and pump were fantastic. The stretching afterwards felt amazing as well.

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    2. #257
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      Squat 6 sets
      Standing Calve raise 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with lying leg curl 2 sets
      Weighted pull up 4 sets
      T bar row 4 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets

      Groin is improving, the tightness was still noticeable not nearly as bad. As long as I do the negative portion of the movement in complete control it's fine. So I was doing slow negatives and explosive pushes for the first 3 or 4 sets, the last 2 sets I increased the weight pretty heavy and just concentrated on getting a deep squat and not really the amount of reps I was getting. This flushed my legs with blood, so much so that when I was doing t bar rows my legs were wobbling as I was holding the weight. I also think I worked a bit to fast as I feel I gassed myself. I still pushed myself during the back portion of the workout but I was not nearly as fresh.

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    3. #258
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      10 minutes farmers walk
      Rope crunches superset with side dips
      5 minutes stationary bike
      crunches superset with leg raises
      5 minutes stationary bike
      crunches superset with leg raises
      5 minutes treadmill
      leg raises superset with crunches

      It was a nice empty gym so equipment was all open and no one using anything so it was great. Started off with farmers carries 1 minute on and 1 minute off, which was good but when I was doing I felt like my hip was a bit tight, hence why I did the bike after that I feel like the motion and stretch on the bike helped workout the tightness a bit and I didn't feel it the rest of the night. Instead of just normal crunches I decided to do a few different things for the abs just to enjoy the workout a bit more. All in all it was a success, I enjoy doing different things each time and not just doing straight time on the treadmill or not just doing crunches.

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    4. #259
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      chest press machine superset with shoulder press machine 4 sets
      X cable reverse fly 4 sets
      Cable crossover superset with side raise 4 sets
      Cable cross (low setting) superset with side raise 4 sets

      So until the end of the month my job is offering overtime. At first I wasn't going to work it because the talks were it's just once a week and it wouldn't be worth but they changed it to multiple days a week. Anyway training is important but having somewhere to live is more important so I'm going to be doing overtime when it's offered until the end of the month. My workouts will probably look a lot like this one. Supersetting things or machines where I can move quickly, because I'm getting out of work late and the owner of the gym has shut the lights out on me during my normal workouts, I'm getting there even later now so I'm waiting for him to kick my out. Luckily last night there was other ppl there so it wasn't to bad but I wanted to move quickly just in case. I was also super tired from work and figured it was too late to take a pre workout if I wanted to sleep so I was running on low energy. The workout was good though the pumps from moving quickly were really solid. Driving home I notice when my hands were on the steering wheel that my shoulders will really full and I could feel the pump more than normal. So maybe this little change for a week or two will be a good thing, sort of a shock.

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    5. #260
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      BB curl 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      Double cable high curl 4 sets
      Cable skull crusher 4 sets
      Underhand extension 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets

      Really good workout. The pump I've been getting has been crazy and when you get that arm pump, there may not be anything better. It has been growing quickly and lasting until well after I leave the gym. I haven't really switched anything up for my arm day and just go with basics yet I'm really enjoying the workout. I might do triceps first in the coming weeks but the movements shouldn't change much.

      One thing I have noticed is I've been tired a lot lately, Saturday after the gym I sat down and I did not want to get up then Sunday I woke up and did my thing around the house, up and down the steps doing laundry but once the football game on I was glued to my seat and not really in a good way, I ended up going to bed earlier than usual last night. I'm thinking its the winter and lack of sun but I'm not sure, hopefully that goes away since I'll be working some extra hours at work the rest of the month.

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    6. #261
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      Leg press superset with lat pulldown 4 sets
      Standing calve raise superset with close grip row 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl superset with straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Hip machine 4 sets (2inner and 2 outter)
      Low cable rope row 4 sets

      I was ready to hit the gym after overtime. We got a sheet of ice covering our area so getting to the gym kind of sucked and I thought it was going to frustrate me from ppl driving slow on my way to the gym. But once I got there it was all good. The gym was empty and I got down to work. Obviously I would rather squat and do the bigger movements but this supersetting really does get my heart rate up and my sweat going. Felt really good as I wasn't worried about the weight or getting through the movements. I just went with it and enjoyed the workout.

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    7. #262
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      Hammer strength chest press superset side lateral raise 4 sets
      Hammer strength decline press superset facepull 4 sets
      Low cable crossover superset with wide grip high row 4 sets
      High cable crossover superset with straight arm lateral raise 2 sets

      Once again a workout with lots of supersets after overtime. I'm doing overtime again tonight but I'm really enjoying the quick paced workouts. I get a really good pump and my muscles fill super quickly. Also feels like it's taxing in a totally different way than doing straight sets of bigger movements with more rest in between. I was going to deadlift on Thursday since there won't be overtime but I'm thinking I might stick with this quick paced work for this week and next week before getting back into a more regular routine. The low cable flies were impressive not only was the pump and squeeze really solid but the muscle was really popping through my t shirt, maybe the shirt was a bit tight, not sure but it was motivating seeing it in the mirror as I did the motion. My chest and shoulders both felt more full further into the night as well.

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    8. #263
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      Cardio 35 minutes

      Once again overtime, this time I got out alittle bit later than I would of liked. So I went straight to the gym and hopped on the treadmill and just went. I played with the speed and the incline throughout the whole time but didn't think about getting off to do abs or anything. I figured I would just go and get in as much time before closing. Not much else to really say, it was just a whatever type of workout but glad I went.

      I'll need to weigh myself again soon I haven't really been doing it but I feel slightly leaner recently and want to see if it correlates to the scale.

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    9. #264
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      Great journal brother keep putting In the work I enjoy reading this journal thanks big man

    10. #265
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      Leg press superset with chest pad t bar row 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl superset with back row machine 4 sets
      Seated calve raise superset with straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Lat pulldown superset with stifflegged dead lift 3 sets

      Staying on the superset thing I did a similar routine to Monday with alittle variation in there. The back row I did was actually on a chest press machine, I believe I saw Max Charles use a machine similar to this for his back, the movement itself reminded me of a hammer strength machine that most gyms have except for mine, the only difference is because it's chest there was no pad in the front. It was kind of nice to put extra attention on my midsection while I did the movement without the pad so I didn't move or lose my form.

      This week wasn't the most intense in terms of crazy lifts or complex lifts but I did enjoy it and will do something similar next week because of overtime. I really enjoy getting the heart rate up and the body temperature rises fairly quickly. The pump is also amazing since I'm moving quickly between sets. I figure one more week and I'll go back to traditional training again. Shock the body isn't something I'm big on anymore but I don't see it hurting either.

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    11. #266
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      BB curl superset with rope extension 4 sets
      DB hammer curl superset with underhand extension 4 sets
      Double cable high curl superset with EZ bar behind the head extension 4 sets

      Thought the workout would give me a nice pump throughout my whole arm. As I've been supersetting things I've been getting really good pumps and this was decent but not as good as I had hoped. Can't win them all I guess. Overall it was just a blah workout. I had the whole second floor of the gym to myself which was nice but never was really able to get in the groove. I also had a tight neck from the night before, sitting on my girls couch watching a movie my neck got all funky. So after the lifting and cardio I did some YTI's and extra face pulls to try and loosen things up a bit. It cracked pretty good afterwards but it wasn't until late in the night that it really started to feel better.

      Still haven't weighed myself, I need to do that this week.

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    12. #267
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      Hammer strength press superset with side lateral raise 4 sets
      Decline hammer strength superset with reverse peck deck 4 sets
      Cable crossover low cable superset standing shoulder press machine 4 sets
      Cable crossover high cable superset with ez bar high row 2 sets

      Once again on the overtime thing and doing quick supersets. I felt really good in the gym though, last week when I did a similar workout I just felt worn out after work and the weight wasn't great but last night I felt like I was really able to increase the weight across the board and didn't feel fatigued. The one thing that held me back a bit was just the heat in the gym, it felt super dry and hot. So I was sweating which was cool but the air was really dry to a point where you feel your skin is like itchy. I didn't like that too much. I made the gym owner who was ready to close weight while I finished stretching out after my workout which was funny, he wasn't too happy.

      Last night right before bed my neck tightened up pretty fierce but I did a few stretched and wall angels....it was cracking like every 2 steps I took after that. Also weighed myself finally, I'm up 4lbs from what my goal was back at the end of August for vacation. So in total I'm up about 8 or 9 lbs from where I was when I started adding calories back into the diet. Not to shabby, I don't think I put on too much fat in the process. I gained more weight the year before but also felt like garbage from all the carbs and felt like I put on ugly weight. I think losing the fat this year will be a lot easier because I'm starting out with a better diet overall and don't have to tweak nearly as much.

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    13. #268
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      Straight bar extension superset with bb curl 8 sets

      Stationary bike 5 minutes

      Dip machine superset cable curl 1 set

      Treadmill 5 minutes

      Dip machine superset cable curl 1 set

      Treadmill 10 minutes

      I worked overtime again last night but not only that I got out of work late. So I didn't think I could get a full leg/back workout in, I decided to switch it up and do the legs/back tonight instead. I also had a bit of time so instead of just doing straight cardio I figured why not try and get a little arm pump. So for the first 12 minutes or so I just supersetted two exercises and got a pretty nice pump, the weight wasn't anything but I didn't really have rest periods. I then proceeded to basically do cardio in the dark as the owner had most of the lights off by the time I got there, luckily someone else showed up when I did so he let us stay. Back to a normal work schedule and next week I'll back to a more normal routine.

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    14. #269
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      Leg press superset with lat pulldown 4 sets
      Standing calve raise superset with hammer strength low row 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl superset with straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Box jumps superset with wide grip cable row 2 sets

      Another pretty good workout for the superset. Moved quickly with short rest and really increasing the heart rate. For whatever reason the low rows had me breathing super heavy. All in all I like this type of training and may come back to it from time to time but I'm excited to get back to the normal routine. I did find a way to easily program one of the stationary bikes last night for cardio which adjusts the resistance and it really increased the pump in my legs, so that felt good.

      During the supersetting I think the legs/back workout suffers the worst because I still get good chest and shoulder work with the hammer strengths but nothing replaces a good ol' squat when doing legs.

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    15. #270
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Chest press machine superset with shoulder press machine 4 sets
      Cable crossover superset with side lateral raise 4 sets
      Cable crossover low cable superset with db rear delt fly 4 sets
      Landmine press 3 sets (single arm and middle of chest)

      So I was going to switch back to a more conventional training routine next week and of course we are notified of more overtime. I really enjoy overtime but it throws the training all out of wack. So what I think I'm going to do is pick 1 exercise from each muscle and superset them and do as many sets as I can of just that 1 movement for the time I have at the gym. The overtime is just Monday and Tuesday but we'll see if anything gets added in. For example legs will be a squat and pull up superset. The breaks between sets will have to be more than what I've done recently but I think I can squeeze in enough sets to make it worth it.

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