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    1. #181
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Flat Bench 5 sets
      Standing Shoulder press 4 sets
      Cable crossover superset with side lateral raise 4 sets
      Decline hammer strength superset with rear delt fly 3 sets
      Facepull 3 sets

      The weight felt really heavy during the bench session. It was a struggle but I figured it would be after the extended break. The good thing is I'm not currently worried about the weight I'm moving and more so on the reps and volume. I could only imagine the weight comes back as I get back in the swing of things. Standing shoulder press was ehhhh, I used a straight bar and I prefer not to. I like the diamond bar instead but it was being used. So I didn't go super heavy and paid more attention to my overall pressing form. The pump by the end was crazy, I pulled my elbows back just slightly and my chest wanted no part of stretching because it was so full of blood. Just happy to be back in the weight room.

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    2. #182
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      Stairstepper 20 minutes
      100 crunches

      I was running all over the building at work yesterday so I was exhausted on my way to the gym. I take my 20 minute stair stepper cardio and add that into all the steps I did yesterday while at work and I got a lot of cardio in for the day. Not sure how I entirely feel about that though. I want to keep cardio intense and not longer duration but I was all over the place. Anyway my diet sucked after vacation and it's gotten a lot better but what surprised me was I weighed myself yesterday and I was still 2lbs under what my goal weight was before I left for vacation. So I haven't gained too much weight after last weeks disaster diet. Also gives me hope that I can increase my carb intake a bit higher sooner and won't have to go as slow as my original plan. I'm still going to go slow for now and see after a couple weeks if my body adjusts and the weight starts going up at a pace I'm comfortable with or not.

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    3. #183
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      Deadlift 4 sets
      Lat pulldown 4 sets
      Hammer strength low row 4 sets

      Leg press 4 sets
      Bulgarian split squat 3 sets
      Seated Calve Raise 3 sets
      Seated Leg curl 3 sets

      I was wiped out from work. I'm currently in a new position and had to teach a class to one of the main bosses from my old position that I will eventually return to yesterday at work. I wasn't nervous and think I did a good job but I was on high alert all day long so by the end I felt drained. Pump Juice Extreme helped me on my way to the gym as a pick me up. Got to the gym and got down to work. Now what I've been doing is alternating the body parts but today I did back first followed by legs. Either way works I just don't want to totally drain myself before attacking the next muscle. I sort of did that today, by the time I got down to Bulgarian split squats I felt spent. Good thing is I caught my second wind right before doing farmers walks and that went pretty smoothly. All in all I think it's been a good re-entry week back into the gym.

      BTW: Pumps have been crazy all week

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    4. #184
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      Skull crushers 3 sets
      Behind head DB press 3 sets
      Triangle extension 4 sets
      Dip Machine 3 sets
      Kickbacks 1 set of 20

      BB curl 4 sets
      EZ curl preacher curl 3 sets
      Seated DB curl 3 sets
      High cable double curl 3 sets

      First dedicated arm workout in awhile and I enjoyed it. The blood flow from the pump juice and hemavol was amazing. Felt like my whole arm was wrapped in warm bubble wrap by the end of the workout. Strength wasn't crazy but it was a good workout, got the blood flowing and the muscles moving. This might become one of my favorite days for vanity reasons. The mirror becomes your best friend when your arms are full and veins are popping.

      Sunday I knew I had to cut my grandmothers grass but I got a late start. So I went up there about an hour before the nfl games started. I didn't want to miss football so I basically cut her grass in an all out sprint to beat the deadline. I got home just as kickoff was happening. Covered in sweat and gross I was able to get the job done which I was happy about.

      This week I do notice I'm looking more full. Nothing crazy and it's probably all water from the carbs but when I woke up Sunday morning as I walked past the mirror I looked thicker, not really in the arms but my chest and legs. Speaking about legs my hamstrings have been sore from my workout on Thursday. Damn it feels good to be back.

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    5. #185
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      Flat bench 5 sets
      Standing shoulder press 5 sets
      Incline bench superset with side lateral raise 3 sets
      Rear delt fly 4 sets
      Cable crossover 4 sets
      Front raises 3 sets

      Shoulders were really tight when I started. Felt like it needed to pop and even when I thought I was warmed up it felt rigid on my first set. So I continued to work it between sets and eventually it felt good. I used a straight bar again for shoulder presses and it felt a lot more smooth than last week which is a step in the right direction. I also did a movement I haven't done in years only because I was short on time and wanted something I could do quickly. I don't like front raises because I feel you get enough front delt work from pressing movements but it's also where my shoulder was tight so I grabbed a plate and went to work. Pretty happy with the way things are going now, have to iron out some diet details but other than that I think I'm on the right track.

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    6. #186
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      Squat 5 sets
      Weighted pull ups 4 sets
      Leg press superset with close grip row 4 sets
      Standing Calve raise superset with chest pad t bar row 4 sets

      I was so worn out yesterday. I had to do a speech in front of every manager in my building and by video to our headquarters on short notice. So I think I was just sweating it but it zapped a lot of my energy. Then I got to my car and realized I forgot my preworkout. Luckily I had a sample of ANS Ritual in my bag that I was able to drink. Wow that stuff put me in a different place. I felt really warm and had energy but felt a bit spaced out too. Between sets I felt like I had to readjust my vision. Probably the stimulants fighting against my mental exhaustion. Either way it was a pretty solid workout. Funny that recently I've been stretching myself at work but still able to push myself in the gym even though mentally I might not to.

      Got home last night and my back trap tightened up really bad. I was pressing and massaging it and it loosened up a bit but after a few minutes it would feel tight again. As I type this it feels tight and sore. Might be time to a massage soon. Hopefully I can hold out a little longer as I just got back to the gym.

      Today I have a long day at work 12 hours at least so I probably won't be doing any cardio except running around the building like a maniac. The program I'm in I'm working in a totally new department and it's a development style program so I want to experience as much of it as possible before it ends so I'll work it when I can. I need to weigh myself after the day though to see where I am in regards to what my goal was before I left for vacation.

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    7. #187
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      Incline Bench 4 sets
      DB seated press 4 sets
      Reverse Incline fly 3 sets
      Dips 3 sets
      Landmine press into center press 3 sets
      Seated DB side lateral raise 4 sets
      Fly Machine 4 sets

      I'm not sure if it's me getting older or what but I feel it's taking me longer to get warmed up. I do my warm up routine, I feel warm and then I do a working set and it's sluggish. I thought that's how the workout was going to be yesterday. The first few sets felt rough and by the middle of the workout I was buzzing and had energy to go hard. I felt like I had a good workout by the end, my chest and shoulders were both full of blood and felt like I could pop them with a pin. I also didn't realize I got so much volume in until I just typed out what I did.

      The mirror is looking good, I lost alittle detail in my midsection but I look more full, my arms are filling in my shirts more, and I'm starting to get a wider look. Not huge changes but noticeable to me.

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    8. #188
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal


      BB curl 5 sets
      Seated DB curl 5 sets
      Preacher curl machine 3 sets

      DB skull crusher 3 sets
      Rope extensions 5 sets
      Underhand extensions 5 sets

      DB hammer curl into DB kickback set of 20

      Really good workout, felt good and everything went well. I had a great pump in all of my arms and thought they looked great in the mirror. I did bicep work first because they are the weak part of my arm. It all went downhill from there though. I went to the fair with my girlfriend that night and started coughing which is whatever but this cough had my upper chest burning and I've been sick ever since then. I skipped the gym Monday and went for a walk bundled up like it was winter try to just break a sweat. I'm feeling a little better now but my legs feel like jello and my upper chest feels like a mini fire is in it. I'm hoping as the day goes on I'll feel better and I could get in a workout to sweat some of this junk out of me.

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    9. #189
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      Flat bench 4 sets
      Standing Shoulder Press 5 sets
      Decline hammer strength superset with side lateral 3 sets
      Incline Press 3 sets
      Rear delt fly 3 sets
      Cable crossover superset with high lateral row 3 sets
      Chest machine superset with shoulder press machine 2 sets

      Felt good to be back in the gym. I'm still fairly sick but I felt better and went to the gym without any expectations. I just wanted to move forward and do what I can. Surprisingly the workout wasn't that bad. My endurance felt pretty good and my recovery was better than expected between sets. All in all it was a nice little workout I went through. The pump has been phenomenal whenever I step in the gym.

      I forget to mention but I finally got to weigh myself on Sunday and I'm back at my original goal weight from before vacation. The good news is my weight is climbing. The bad news is it's not moving very fast. The start of October I will add in additional calories.

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    10. #190
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      20 minutes of farmers walks, 1 minute intervals
      60 crunches at 5 minutes on the treadmill

      I want to start doing more HIIT cardio again but being sick and this new position at work I'm running all over the building so I decided if or when I feel better, probably next week I will start the HIIT up again because I've been slacking on it. I want to do it at least once a week if for nothing else because it's more fun than plain old walking or whatever, however I do enjoy my farmers walks too. Other than that nothing really to report, I have a few things in mind on different supplements I may try this winter to help add some size and I'll keep everyone posted when I get started with those.

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    11. #191
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      Deadlift 5 sets
      Leg press 5 sets
      Lat pulldown 3 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl 4 sets
      Seated calve raise 4 sets


      DB curl 5 sets
      EZ bar curl 5 sets
      Incline hammer curl 3 sets

      V bar extension 5 sets
      Underhand extension 4 sets
      Dip machine 4 sets


      Flat bench 5 sets
      Floor press 3 sets
      Cable crossover 4 sets

      Standing shoulder press 4 sets
      Side lateral raise 5 sets
      Face pull 3 sets

      The last few days have been a blur to me. Lots of traveling and running around. Good thing is I got a promotion at work so I'm back to my normal shift which should put me back into my routine which I haven't been in in a few months. Hopefully that means my training will take another step forward.

      Being Monday and the beginning of the month I started some new supplements. I haven't changed my overall diet, even though I need to tighten it up now that I'm back to my regular shift. A few things I added today at Gaspari Glycofuse to my intraworkout drink. I also opened Myosynergy Elite that I'll run for a month then go into Sparta Hercules and then Sparta PCT. Let the fun begin

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    12. #192
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      Squat 5 sets
      Weighted Pull up 4 sets
      Leg extension superset with lying leg curl superset with t bar row 3 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 4 sets
      Standing Calve raise 4 sets
      Leg press superset with close grip pull down 3 sets

      Intense workout. It was a struggle to get through, not the weight or the motivation but I was sweating and breathing heavily right from the start. After the farmers walks I felt like I was just going to drop to the ground and fall asleep. Glad it was nice and intense though to get me back in the groove. I haven't noticed much yet from the Glycofuse and Myosynergy elite except for towards the end of my workout as long as my mind can handle more work but body handles it pretty good. Still only a few workouts in so I'll keep playing with it.

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    13. #193
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      10 Minutes HIIT cardio
      60 crunches
      5 minutes LISS cardio
      60 crunches
      5 minutes LISS cardio
      60 crunches
      5 minutes LISS cardio

      Got back on my HIIT routine a bit. Felt good to push myself during cardio. My chest was actually burning a bit and I was sweating pretty good. Something I'm taking is causing a slight thermo effect in the gym because the last week or two I'm getting in a good sweat fairly quickly into my routine and cardio day was no different.

      I weighed myself last night and I'm holding steady at 160lb. But I had two people at work yesterday comment on how muscular I looked. Maybe it was the polo I had on or something but I feel like I look bigger and less defined at the same weight where I felt I looked lean before vacation. Amazing how different macros can affect the appearance even if the weight isn't changing. I'll take the extra size right now and hopefully it continues.

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      time to buy more polos in many colors. Keep up the great work
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    15. #195
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Incline Press 5 sets
      Standing DB press 4 sets
      Rear Delt Fly 4 sets
      Hammer strength decline press 4 sets
      Cable crossover superset with side raise 4 sets
      Shoulder press machine sets of 20 3 sets

      Tough to get motivated for the workout. I knew I was off from work the next day and the back of my mind I knew as soon as I left the gym my weekend was going to start. I still got in a pretty good workout. The pumps are still amazing and my shoulders got pumped up really quickly and stayed pumped the whole workout. The squeeze from the cable crossovers when you run your arms past each other or tilt the bottom of the handles towards each other is amazing. Overall I think I'm building some nice size to my body. It was good to get a full week in the gym though, felt like it was the first time in awhile.

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