Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
Is it better to be flush against the wall, rather than having a stability ball behind me? If if go with wider stance,does that then hit then hit the glutes more?
i like you to bend the torso forward at about a 30 deg angle. kind of like the position of a skier coming down the slope. that shifts the weight fully onto the legs. wider stance feet further out and toes pulled back with the weight distributed onto the heels will target the glutes and hams a tad bit more. but the majority of stress is going to be placed onto the quads regardless. if you want more targeting of the hams and glues you need to jump onto the lying ham curl machine. adjust the weight to about 30-40lbs and curl it up 1/4 of the way out of the bottom. now squeeze your butt checks as hard as you can driving your hips into the pad. also squeeze the hams as hard as you can while holding the weigh in place at 1/4 of the way up. this will hit both the ham and gluts with an iso contraction just like the wall holds do.

you should start these for about 10-20 sec at a time and increase the duration by about 5 sec each workout. i can do the ones on the wall for a couple of mins sometimes haha but we usually add them in as a part of a super set or a tri set to keep from having to sit there for 60-90 or 120secs