As song of you know I fell off pretty hard not long ago, lost all my gains and got fat. I was 220lbs and about 22%. Bf. I got back into everytbing and slimmed down to about 205lbs and about 18% bodyfat which is where I was.when i got on this deployment. I am currently 242lbs body unknown but I look leaner when when I came here maybe 15-16%? Also just so you know I am 6'1" so even at 240lbs I don't look to big at least In my eyes.

I've been slowly working my way back up to heavy weight and putting on size.
I got 945lbs on leg press for 1, had a good bit more in me but i didnt want my ego the way so I stopped there for the day I have a video I'll try and post eventually or maybe I'll wait till I at least get 1,000lbs to make it worthy.

I hurt my elbow pretty good.benching a few months back.and have been coaching it so chest has been horrible.for me, I almost got 305lbs and my elbow just play ball and lock out so I'm still trying to let it heal becuase I deffintly have more then 305 in me.but my elbow just won't let it happen.

I pulled 425lbs in Deadlift wth no straps. Belts gloves or chalk, felt pretty good to. Not sure how much I have but I'm curious, im going to try an max again in about a week or so. Right now I've been hitting back hard as hell, I want to get a dead lift with a 5 in front and I'm also really trying to widen my bac and hit this lats. Back day is by far my favorite workout day.

also one more thing, please stick with my on any Grammer or spelling mistakes. This log with be done all on my phone for.a.while.and this phone is really starting to.bug.out.