Quote Originally Posted by MuscleAddiction View Post
All will be good brother...Baby got your back, prayers for you buddy! Love my EQ too, but don't run it much over 600mg EW, I feel less is more with me. Had bloodwork done last week too, liver numbers are up and guns is helping me with it too...RBC was slightly elevated but my test levels were 4453 on 500mg Sust & 600mg EQ, with a 300mg splash of NPP...not bad, I am happy with those levels.
all those things are normal to be a little elevated with all aas use. the trick we have to play with is to keep it just outside the normal ranges during our runs. that has kept me pretty good and my doctor never had a problem with it. now he would freak out if i had bloods done during or right after a prep. that's when i push really really hard and it messes all the levels up