i should add this little story in about a lady i know from the gym. this lady does the marathon, tiratholons and all that running stuff. well she jacked up her foot really bad was in a boot and they were telling her she was going to need surgery for whatever they said her issues were. i told her to call the graston lady and go in and see what she could do. low and behold it wasnt what they were wanting to cut on, it was something entirely different that she broke up and fixed. she was running normal 3 days later and will only need a couple more treatments to be back 100% with no cutting involved whatsoever.

i even have my wife doing it for a jacked up shoulder blade that bothered her so bad she couldnt sleep at night. one treatment and she is sleeping and moving much much better. she thinks she will only need maybe 1-2 more treatments for the impingement to be fully corrected. the work is freaking unreal