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    Thread: make it go away PLSSS

    1. #1
      tazzy21's Avatar
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      been on a long time 250mg per week test cycle. I'm 42. I often add in cycle on and off tbols dbols and anadrol... always take my liver support supps, usually 25mg ed clomid but not religiously lol. I feel tired all the time! Like exhausted! Is it toxicity, high estrogen..?? Help pls, hate feeling so tired all the time.

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Get some adex. My buddy was going through the exact same thing and I told him to take adex and he feels 100x better now.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Hard to really say tazzy, but a trip to the doc for a good complete physical with blood work would be a great place to start,imo. Symptoms ,like you have been having. can be all kinds of things.
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Hard to really say tazzy, but a trip to the doc for a good complete physical with blood work would be a great place to start,imo. Symptoms ,like you have been having. can be all kinds of things.
      X2 Get yourself a game plan. Your fatigue could have nothing to do with your AAS usage. Self diagnosis is one of the major pitfalls of steroid use. We tend to believe all out symptoms are somehow related to our use. At 42 it could be a number of things. (Not trying to scare you) just giving the best advice I can.

      You can tell your doc just what you described to us minus the AAS usage. Any good doc with perhaps a little pressing will order up a basic panel.
      "You don't know how strong you are until strong is your only option."

    5. #5
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Hard to really say tazzy, but a trip to the doc for a good complete physical with blood work would be a great place to start,imo. Symptoms ,like you have been having. can be all kinds of things.
      Yep and try katrom ma dang it helps me when I'm super lethargic brother ESP I'm the am but get to the doctor

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      what type of dosage have you used for Anadrol? I'm thinking of starting at 25.

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Get blood work done first of all if yiuvthibj it's aas realated. Like Lt said there see a lot more things to it then that tho. Stress, lack of sleep, diet, etc. Just think of a list of possible causes and start elninareing them.

      If it's aas. I know deca ends up making me latragic a d lack of sleep in tewb kills me. I never had a problem with tbol or dbol tho They make me feel great. Drol makes me feel quite shitty after a few weeks tho
      Animal the manimal

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      Get some adex. My buddy was going through the exact same thing and I told him to take adex and he feels 100x better now.
      I get it but tbols don't increase or create estrogen so why would there there be a need for something as strong as a adex

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Thanks for all the replys! I'm not really a Dr guy and don't really have alot of time to get to one but I guess I should. It's funny, the lethargy really only starts when I'm on like week 2 of tbols at around 40mg a day..

    10. #10
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by tazzy21 View Post
      Thanks for all the replys! I'm not really a Dr guy and don't really have alot of time to get to one but I guess I should. It's funny, the lethargy really only starts when I'm on like week 2 of tbols at around 40mg a day..
      you can do private med labs and look at all your values yourself for like 40-50 bucks depending on the panels and what you are checking. that's a way to avoid the pesky doc and having to beg to get bloods done. my speculation and i am again not a huge advocate for throwing anti e in like every one else is and again bloods are the only way i will make the suggestion because adding more compounds in esp not knowing what's going on is stupid and brings on even more side effects.
      now if i were a betting man, i would lean toward you having liver stress or liver issues. that is as long as your bp isnt up or out of hand. both of these can cause lethargy and again i am just guessing here. milk thistle has been proven worthless so you should think about some better alternatives like tudca. now i am also assuming that you are drinking plenty of water, getting proper sleep/rest and you are eating good. those could also be causing issues with the same thing.
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      smalls1's Avatar
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by tazzy21 View Post
      Thanks for all the replys! I'm not really a Dr guy and don't really have alot of time to get to one but I guess I should. It's funny, the lethargy really only starts when I'm on like week 2 of tbols at around 40mg a day..
      TRT clinics give adex for high estrogen from just TRT dosing. Like I said my buddy's estrogen was high from being on 500mg of test for a long time he got some adex started taking a felt much better and Iv done the same thing. I also know several guys that go to low T center and that's what they prescribe them when estrogen starts raising. I was never referring to tbol raising your estrogen however orals make me feel like shit due to live toxicity so could be that too. Hard to tell without getting blood work done. Good luck.

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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      And Iv literally used AI like twice ever sometimes it's required but I usually don't need it.

    13. #13
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      TRT clinics give adex for high estrogen from just TRT dosing. Like I said my buddy's estrogen was high from being on 500mg of test for a long time he got some adex started taking a felt much better and Iv done the same thing. I also know several guys that go to low T center and that's what they prescribe them when estrogen starts raising. I was never referring to tbol raising your estrogen however orals make me feel like shit due to live toxicity so could be that too. Hard to tell without getting blood work done. Good luck.
      you unlike 99% of people running around are basing your anti e use off of bloods. sad fact of the matter is the 99% who suggest it and do it dont. you need estro to grow and since dex is a suicide inhibitor it destroys estro. i know people say well i only do .5 eod or e3d or whatever wacky conctotion they come up with but again look at it this way: it does have a long half life so ed dosing isnt required but again you are causing fluctiations by taking it to eod or e3d. you would be much better off doing an even lesser amount ed for a more constant decrease. i was also not talking about you in my above post, i was speaking in generalities.

      also trt clinics suck ass for the most part other than getting you a script for test and anti e lol. most dont do panels on your lipids and will pump you full of dex as soon as your estro starts to climb a little. at or just above range is fine and dandy as long as you arent growing boobies or having other issues and you are better off leaving it alone. now if you want to see a doc that will take care of your actual levels as well as keep your lipids and everything else in check then you want to see an endo. they are a pain in the ass to work with but they are the best one's most of the time handling these things. again not pointing at you specifically but guys are way to easy to toss in dex and letro when they both destroy all your estrogen and also hammer the dog piss out of your lipids. that is a double whammy since the aas you are using are already hard on them to begin with. optimal hormone levels with no or as little fluctuations as possible is what we really want and need at the end of the day
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      Default Re: make it go away PLSSS

      Oh I know brother I actually didn't even read your post till after I posted those, just didn't want him to think I go around popping AI every time I feel lethargic LOL. I completely agree with you TRT clinics are a joke. Hey tazzy Tudca is a great liver supplement.

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      you unlike 99% of people running around are basing your anti e use off of bloods. sad fact of the matter is the 99% who suggest it and do it dont. you need estro to grow and since dex is a suicide inhibitor it destroys estro. i know people say well i only do .5 eod or e3d or whatever wacky conctotion they come up with but again look at it this way: it does have a long half life so ed dosing isnt required but again you are causing fluctiations by taking it to eod or e3d. you would be much better off doing an even lesser amount ed for a more constant decrease. i was also not talking about you in my above post, i was speaking in generalities.

      also trt clinics suck ass for the most part other than getting you a script for test and anti e lol. most dont do panels on your lipids and will pump you full of dex as soon as your estro starts to climb a little. at or just above range is fine and dandy as long as you arent growing boobies or having other issues and you are better off leaving it alone. now if you want to see a doc that will take care of your actual levels as well as keep your lipids and everything else in check then you want to see an endo. they are a pain in the ass to work with but they are the best one's most of the time handling these things. again not pointing at you specifically but guys are way to easy to toss in dex and letro when they both destroy all your estrogen and also hammer the dog piss out of your lipids. that is a double whammy since the aas you are using are already hard on them to begin with. optimal hormone levels with no or as little fluctuations as possible is what we really want and need at the end of the day

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      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      Oh I know brother I actually didn't even read your post till after I posted those, just didn't want him to think I go around popping AI every time I feel lethargic LOL. I completely agree with you TRT clinics are a joke. Hey tazzy Tudca is a great liver supplement.
      it's actually pretty smart if you ask me from a business aspect. insurance dont cover either one, so it is out of pocket for the person. so more money there. no need to hire someone to process claims, so there again more money. on and on with those clinics man. they rake in big money with only needing a doc or two, hell some of the ones in fl have 2 docs and a pharmacist on site. one stop shop
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