Quote Originally Posted by animal87 View Post
I posted this on my fb about something I just saw on TV and I'd like to know how you feel on this?

I just saw a ad on TV for a show titled "black jesus".

Before anyone starts with the race crap. It has nothing to do with the character being black. It offends me so much that there is actually a show on TV about making fun of Jesus.
Really!!? Is the world that completely messed up and backwards now!?
I don't care what colr Jesus's skin was. I do care that it's now ok apparently to make light of the mot important thing in the universe. I tried to watch a episode of it so I would have a educated opion on the show but I got to about 5-10min couldn't take anymore.
I'm not exactly sure what else to say it shocks me so much. I never in my life though I would see the day it's ok to dedicate something entirely to putting down the Lord and i be accepted enough to be on public television. I'm not too big of a man to say that almost brought a tear to my eye.
We all need to start praying and being better people and Christian's or this world isn't going to be around very much longer I'm afraid. Not doing anything to help change the world for the better is almost as bad as trying to change it for the worse imo. So get up and help do something for the Lord yourself and the world. Unless this is the wold you want your children to live in and your future grand kids to live in a worse world.
I agree my brother we all need more faith in our lives and prey for our brothers and sisters everyday brother animal. Have a blessed day my freind