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    Thread: Love those pits

    1. #46
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      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      The american bulldog looks great! I hadnt even thought about that breed. Will look into that too
      If you look into an American bulldog I prefer the Johnson American bulldog instead of the Scott American bulldog. Johnson's are bigger compared to the Scott's (also called standard) and the Scott's get confused with pitbulls.

    2. #47
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      Default Re: Love those pits

      Here I just posted this Video of my Corso and my pit. This was about 3-4 months ago I think. Capone was about 120lbs and just over 1 year and Ivy was 75lbs and 12 years

    3. #48
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      Here's another I found better view of size

    4. #49
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      Default Re: Love those pits

      pits were known has the nanny breed.. I have 3 red nose pits now and had 8 at one time.. I am very strict on my dogs.. my dogs are always on a leash if out front.. if they are in the back yard they are not out there very long alone.. when I had the 8 six if them were chained up in my yard yes you heard me right I chained them up. this solved several problems.. one they never got out of my yard to roam the neighborhood.. this also saved them from getting into a fight with each other while I wasn't home and end up killing each other.. I look at like this they are my dogs and it is up to me to make sure they stay in my yard..

      have my dogs bite anyone no except me when I got my hands close to them while breaking them up when they got into a fight.. it was my smaller female who jumped on my larger male for what reason couldn't tell you. once she realized she was bitting me she let go..

      would I trust them around a baby.. hell no I wouldn't trust any animal around a baby.. would I trust them around a young child maybe it would depend on the dog one of the males I have now would be a no he is to hyper.. I have a female who I would and have bc she is more laid back..

      the down fall to this bred was they became popular and most should not own them and you see that in the shelters and there are a lot who bred them..

    5. #50
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      Default Re: Love those pits

      Yes, my dog is the most sweet playful dog 99% of the time. One thing I discovered about him though is that if there is a bone around, a rawhide, etc, he will try to dominate over it and if a dog or person tries to get it, he becomes a viscous pit bull. I dont know if it could be trained out of him or not. So I have to be so careful that there are no bones around.
      My dog used to jump the fence a couple times a week and was out roaming the farmland sometimes for days before I found him...I finally got a shock collar , everytime he jumped the fence and tried to chase a cat or rabbit, he would get lit up. It had to be done so he finally has learned my property line and rarely ventures beyond, but if he does, he is going to get a learning experience. With that collar he has more frreedom than he would ever had without it.

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      Default Re: Love those pits

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Yes, my dog is the most sweet playful dog 99% of the time. One thing I discovered about him though is that if there is a bone around, a rawhide, etc, he will try to dominate over it and if a dog or person tries to get it, he becomes a viscous pit bull. I dont know if it could be trained out of him or not. So I have to be so careful that there are no bones around.
      My dog used to jump the fence a couple times a week and was out roaming the farmland sometimes for days before I found him...I finally got a shock collar , everytime he jumped the fence and tried to chase a cat or rabbit, he would get lit up. It had to be done so he finally has learned my property line and rarely ventures beyond, but if he does, he is going to get a learning experience. With that collar he has more frreedom than he would ever had without it.
      I helped my friend train that out of his pitbull. There are different methods people use, we used a shock collar. We would give him his bone for a few minutes then try and take it away (get close but not stick out hands to close) if he growled we would firmly and loudly tell him no bad then shock him. Took about 2 weeks a few hours a week after work but he learned not to get like that with or without the collar. Once he started learning to not growl we would tell him good boy and pet him give him love. The key with these dogs and any dogs for that matter is that you need to be firm when you give your commands and strict when they disobey. For example the Presa Canario needs to be trained very early and socialized or it will basically try to be pack leader and could be dangerous, this is one of the only breeds that I'm aware of with this particular issue.

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      Beautiful dogs you guys have!

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