intermediate fasting is straight up plain retarded if you actually sit down and think about how the body adapts and responds. ok first off let's take a look a high performance athletes: you honestly think that they could perform at top end of ability while starving their bodies for the majority of the day? absolutely not. now let's go into the body's survival mechanisms: what does the body do in a long period of time when it is in a cal def? simple, it starts to burn off muscle while driving as much fat storage as possible. this same effect happens when you take your body to super low fat percentages also. you have to trick your body to hold muscle while continuing to strip fat with either the addition of more cardio or manipulating calories even further. intermediate fasting and if it fits you macros are both great for normal people that arent going to stick to their programs for very long and dont really care much about what kind of weight is lost.

another thought i will toss out there and i know a couple top level bbers running around. these dudes (including myself) consume anywhere between 5k-10k cals per day to reach and maintain their muscle mass. so how in the hell could they attain that level of cal intake with only a couple meals a day?

i have also done the keto style setup for a very extended period of time and dropped a ton of weight fast(muscle also) and i felt like death for the entire duration once all my glycogen was depleted. i can only imagine how nice and healthy i would feel training while actually starving my body