Got the go ahead to do some light pump work so I'm all about it. I'm away from home anyway and don't have access to a gym till next Monday so all I'll be doing is body weight and I brought some dumbbells and my ez curl bar with me until then.

20 min cardio

Air squats/ calf raises 3 x 20

Push up 3 x 20

One arm dumbbell rows 50s x 3 x 20

Arnold presses 25s x 3 x 20

Side laterals 10s x 2 x 20

Skull crushers 55 x 3 x 20

Hammer curls 25s x 2 x 20

Leg raises 3 x 20

Rumble roller and stretching

Meal 1: protein cakes with banana, SF jelly, and SF choc syrup and 16 oz milk

Meal 2: 12 oz chicken and 2 cups rice with low carb BBQ sauce and buffalo ranch

Meal 3: 12 oz turkey burger with 2 cups rice and low carb BBQ sauce and buffalo ranch

Small serving of mint choc chip ice cream

Meal 4: 12 oz turkey burger with low carb BBQ sauce and buffalo ranch, 1 cup oatmeal with SF syrup

Meal 5: 12 oz total turkey burger and beef roast with low carb BBQ sauce