Quote Originally Posted by dirtwarrior View Post
I knew about EQ and the blood but didn't know about deca and the blood. I might be ok to add mast to deca/test because deca lowers the andro level somewhat.
My BF is acceptable for me at this moment at 14.4% still working on getting it lower by tweaking macro. My motivation in training is lacking though, I wish it were better.
i have never known anyone to have rbc issues with deca but on the other hand most dont run it over 600 that i have worked with. imho if you want to run deca then go the npp route. it is faster in and out and if you dont like it or see sides you can drop it and it clears pretty quickly. as for mast, i am not a huge fan other than for show prep. if you are looking to gain while running masteron it will be minimal but you will see a little strength and size increase but the majority of what you will see will be hardening of what you are already carrying. i use mast to help hold onto to lean muscle in a cal def