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    Thread: Gusto's Journal

    1. #661
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      Successful travel day. Although I gotta say the 3 hour time shift sucks. I had ate 4/ 6 meal before 1130 AM Meal 1: protein cakes

      Meal 2: 10 oz chicken and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 3: 10 oz chicken and jasmine rice

      Meal 4: 10 oz ground turkey and jasmine rice

      Meal 5: 16 oz egg whites and oatmeal with SF syrup

      Meal 6: 10 oz ground turkey
      Last edited by gusto77; 05-20-2015 at 09:15 PM.

    2. #662
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Very jet lagged and fatigued today but managed to get a really great workout in. Only thing that felt off was I didn't feel like I could stabilize a weight today to save my life... Likely just fatigue. Just under three weeks out and currently running:
      900 Tren a, 900 mast p, 100 var, 100 proviron, t4, adex, Aromasin, 5 iu hgh, 250 dnp


      40 min fasting cardio


      Bench press

      2 x warm ups

      185 x 6

      225 x 6

      275 x 6

      300 x 4----> 225 x 9-----> 135 x 12

      Incline dumbbell press

      1 x warm up

      80s x 12

      90s x 10

      100s x 10

      120s x 3 (no 110s or 115s to be found.... wasn't controlling the weights real good on these so I stopped, rested and dropped back down)

      100s x 9

      Dumbbell fly

      1 x warm up

      50s x 12

      60s x 10

      70s x 6/ presses x 4/ push ups x 12

      Cross bench Dumbbell pullover/ dips

      1 x warm up

      90 x 10/ 12

      90 x 10/ 10

      90 x 10/ 9

      EZ bar curls

      2 x warm ups

      60 x 15

      80 x 12

      100 x 10

      100 x 9

      Incline dumbbell curls

      25s x 17

      25s x 14

      25s x 13-----> 15s x 12

      Hanging leg raises

      3 x 15

      10 minutes posing

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and oatmeal with SF syrup and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz ground turkey

      Intra md

      Meal 3: protein cakes

      Meal 4: 10 oz chicken

      Meal 5: 10 oz chicken and oatmeal with SF syrup

      Meal 6: 10 ground turkey

    3. #663
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Really awesome and intense secondary leg day today. Probably pushed it a bit too hard but oh well, great workout. Totally not what I planned to do today but plans changed when I got to the gym. Was planning on doing a few sets of moderately heavy squats and then go into my secondary but when I got there the squat rack was under repairs. Instead did a mostly quad focused giant set work out and then straight leg deads on the hack machine as a fifth giant set exercise. Tried to start out with front squats on the smith machine but the bar kept re-racking itself and it was pissing me off so I just did reg smith machine squats with my legs forward and narrow stance. Did five rounds because I feel like the first round was a bit too light and I felt good. Then went into some more hamstrings and calves. Got some posing in post workout and a little bit of tanning time by the pool. Didn't stay out there too long because the sun is really strong out here even though it's not that hot yet.


      40 min fasting cardio


      Foam roll/ air squats/ stretch

      Leg ext warm ups x 3

      1 x warm up round on GS

      SM squats GS

      135 x 10

      185 x 10

      225 x 10

      225 x 10

      225 x 10

      Leg press GS

      2 pps x 8

      4 pps x 8

      4 pps x 8

      4 pps x 8

      4 pps x 8

      Hack squats GS

      1 pps + 25s x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      Leg ext GS (2 sec holds each rep)

      45 x 8

      60 x 8

      60 x 8

      60 x 8

      60 x 8

      SL deads on hack GS

      1 pps + 25s x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      2 pps x 8

      Lying leg curls

      1 x warm up

      100 x 10

      120 x 10

      130 x 10

      140 x 10

      140 x 10

      140 x 10

      Calf raises

      2 x warm ups

      300 x 10

      400 x 8

      500 x 6---> 300 x 6---> 200 x 6---> 100 x 8

      10 minutes posing

      Foam roll/ stretch

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz ground turkey

      Intra md

      Meal 3: protein cakes with SF choc syrup and SF jelly

      Meal 4: 10 oz chicken

      Meal 5: 10 oz chicken

      Meal 6: 16 oz egg whites

    4. #664
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Today overall wasnt a bad training day but it had its ups and downs. Definitely kind of weak today. Bottom line is I haven't slept well in three nights. Probably no more than two or three hours a night. In my older age the time change traveling just really screws me up and I haven't gotten a good nights rest... so between that and being depleted from dieting I was just absolutely smoked today. tried taking a good nap but it just wasn't happening, really hope my body just fails and crashes tonight and I pass the hell out ha ha. Due to work I didn't have time for fasting cardio this morning so I switched up the schedule a bit and decided to do shoulders and triceps today with a bit of light cardio at the end. HIIT was the plan but I was simply smoked and really felt high intensity would have been counter productive. There were points during my work out where I was literally about to fall asleep between sets. With the way my schedule is this week I will have an extra session of cardio anyway. Will hit back and fasting cardio tomorrow. Rest day on Friday for traveling. And it looks like chest delts and tris on Saturday with guns and then a brutal legwork out on Sunday with guns I'm sure LOL

      Full body foam roll/ stretching

      Rotator felt and trap warm ups

      Med wide SM upright rows/ dumbbell side laterals

      2 x warm ups

      95 x 12/ 15s x 12

      105 x 12/ 20s x 10

      115 x 10/ 25s x 8----> 15s x 10

      Seated barbell press

      1 x warm up

      135 x 8

      155 x 8

      185 x 7

      185 x 7 + 1 forced

      155 x 11

      Reverse pec deck

      100 x 20

      120 x 20

      140 x 20

      160 x 15

      160 x 13

      Narrow grip SM shrugs (3 sec holds each rep)

      2 x warm up

      225 x 10

      255 x 10 (lower right back tighted up a bit on this set so I dropped weight and just finished off with a lighter set and did some rolling and stretching. Hopefully I headed off any further spasming)

      185 x 15

      Had planned on doing a heavier Tri workout but I didn't want to put anymore strain on my low back so I went way lighter and continued to foam roll and stretch throughout remainder.


      BW x 30

      BW x 28

      BW x 23

      Reverse cable press downs

      1 x warm up

      50 x 25

      70 x 22

      90 x 20

      110 x 17

      110 x 15---> 70 x 10---> 10

      Diamond push ups

      BW x 20

      BW x 20

      BW x 17

      Incline leg raises

      3 x 15

      20 min light cardio

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz chicken

      Meal 3: protein cakes with SF choc syrup and SF jelly

      Meal 4: 10 oz ground turkey burger

      Meal 5: 16 oz egg whites

      Meal 6: 10 oz ground turkey burger

    5. #665
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Another night of maybe 2 hours of sleep and couldn't take a nap. Wow, exhausted. Don't know how my body won't just crash. Never had insomnia this bad. No it's not the tren. Cardio session was fine. For back I got in, got blood pumped in and got out. Went with pretty light mostly machines today instead of the original plan... Tweaked my back slightly yesterday and wasn't taking chances. Praying for sleep. Travel and rest tomorrow.


      40 min fasting cardio


      Nautilus machine rows

      2 x warm up

      140 x 12

      185 x 12

      215 x 12

      245 x 12

      Wide grip assisted pull ups

      (100) x 15

      (80) x 15

      (60) x 12

      (40) x 12

      HS pull downs

      1 pps + 25s x 15

      2 pps x 15

      2 pps + 25s x 15

      3 pps x 12 (woke up a bit so went a little heavier)

      Incline dumbbell rows

      40s x 15

      50s x 15

      60s x 15

      V bar pull downs

      100 x 15

      120 x 15

      140 x 13

      160 x 11

      Hyper extensions (low back felt fine so hot a few easy sets.... Zero pain)

      3 x 15

      10 min posing

      Meal 1: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard

      Meal 3: 16 oz egg whites

      C4 Preworkout

      Intra md

      Meal 4: protein cakes with 1 tbs SF jelly and 3 tbs SF choc syrup

      Meal 5: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard

      Meal 6: 16 oz egg whites

    6. #666
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Good luck on the sleep brother I know what it's like to not sleep and try to train. Recovery slows and the injury bug starts to come around. If you really need to sleep strike up conversation in chat with Torr
      "You don't know how strong you are until strong is your only option."

    7. #667
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      Good luck on the sleep brother I know what it's like to not sleep and try to train. Recovery slows and the injury bug starts to come around. If you really need to sleep strike up conversation in chat with Torr
      Yeh bro, I def noticed this week it was a lot harder to stabilize heavier Dumbbells and barbells being so fatigued. Tweaked my back ever so slightly this week just doing some moderately heavy SM shrugs lol. No pain now though.

    8. #668
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Getting ready to board the plane on my way home from my last trip for work before the comp. Traveling frequently and contest dieting has been one of the best learning experiences/ challenges throughout this whole process. Traveling doesn't have to mean greasy burgers, fries, and airport junk all the time. Still slept like shit last night lol. Hopefully my own bed will treat me better. Off to hang with guns tomorrow for some chest delts and tris and legs on Sunday.

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard

      Meal 3: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard

      Meal 4: 10 oz turkey burger with mustard

      Meal 5: protein cakes with SF jelly and SF choc syrup

      Meal 6: 16 oz egg whites

    9. #669
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Just a real general log of my workout today. Hanging with guns and our workout pace is pretty fast so I don't log during. Awesome workout, learned a ton. Finally got some good rest last night but still way behind so I did feel quite fatigued but guns got me going in the gym. High carb day so that helped too. Legs tomorrow. 2 weeks out and now running:

      1000 tren ace/ wk
      1000 mast p/ wk
      100 var/ day
      50 winstrol/ day
      20 halo/ day
      100 proviron/ day
      5 iu hgh/ day
      20 aromasin/ day
      1 adex/ day
      100 t4/ day
      250 dnp/ day
      Various support supps

      Machine press- 4 x12

      Pec deck- 4 x 12

      Stretch push ups- 4 x failure

      Extended rope pressdowns- 4 x 12

      Seated cable ext- 4 x 10

      Reverse pec deck- 1 x 30, 3 x failure
      Super set with
      Over and backs- 4 x 10

      High side dumbbell laterals- 4 x 12

      Machine calf presses- 4 x 10

      20 min HIIT

      Meal 1: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Meal 2: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Angel dust preworkout

      Intra md

      Meal 3: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Meal 4: protein cakes with SF syrup and SF choc syrup

      Meal 5: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Meal 6: 10 oz lean ground turkey

    10. #670
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Guns smoked me today. Dropped adex and now running letrozole at 2.5 ed.

      HS single leg curls/ SL deads- 4 x leg curl warm ups; 5 x 8/ 8

      Leg press- 7 x 15, 2 x 12

      Hack sissy squats/ wide stance hack squats- 4 x 8, 10, 12, 14/ 8

      BW lunges- 3 x 15

      Calf raises- 4 x 10

      Hanging leg raises- 4 x 15

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Angel dust preworkout

      Intra md

      Meal 3: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Meal 4: protein cakes with SF syrup and SF choc syrup

      Meal 5: 10 oz lean ground turkey and 8 oz sweet potato

      Meal 6: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice (50 only)
      Last edited by gusto77; 05-24-2015 at 07:51 PM.

    11. #671
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Love ur cycle balls to the wall that's my style tear it up big guy

    12. #672
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Here's the reality, you are totally shredded and I'm dragging my ass from Vegas all the way back east to see you. You rock and I'm on board. Luv you!!

    13. #673
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
      Here's the reality, you are totally shredded and I'm dragging my ass from Vegas all the way back east to see you. You rock and I'm on board. Luv you!!
      i got a full sneak peak today and you will be blown away cause he is massive and peeled to the bone. legs,glutes tis and pretty much everything is feathered and freaky looking. going to be a very hard package to beat
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

    14. #674
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      Default Re: Gusto's Journal

      Rest day today, back tomorrow.

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1 tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: protein cakes with SF syrup and SF choc syrup

      Meal 3: 10 oz lean ground turkey and 8 oz sweet potato

      Meal 4: 10 oz lean ground turkey

      Meal 5: 10 oz lean ground turkey and white rice

      Meal 6: 10 oz lean ground turkey

    15. #675
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      Wake up every morning these days pretty much feeling like Jell-O, run down, and like shit. So I guess I'm right where I need to be just under two weeks out ha ha. Very good back workout today. Sweated my ass off in the gym and no idea why. Really hope I'm not getting.... Not even gonna say it.


      40 min fasting cardio


      SM bent rows

      4 x warm ups

      225 x 8

      245 x 8

      265 x 8

      265 x 8ish

      Seated cable rows

      Did 2 feeler sets on these because normally I do them without a forward stretching movement and pumping motion. Today was exactly that. Not sure how I feel about this method overall. Lot less feeling of contraction in my lats than my typical method.

      130 x 12

      145 x 12

      160 x 12

      160 x 12

      Single hand cable rows

      1 x feeler set

      70 x 8

      70 x 8

      85 x 8

      85 x 8

      EZ bar pull overs

      1 x warm up

      75 x 10

      85 x 10

      95 x 10

      Wide grip assisted chins (1-2 sec squeeze each rep)

      1 x warm up

      (60) x 8

      (50) x 8

      (40) x 8

      (30) x 8----> (80) x 8


      100 x 12

      100 x 12

      115 x 12

      Hyper extensions

      BW x 27

      BW x 27

      BW x 25

      Incline leg raises

      3 x 20

      Meal 1: 16 oz egg whites and 1tbs coconut oil

      Meal 2: 10 oz lean ground turkey and 8 oz sweet potato

      Meal 3: 10 oz lean ground turkey

      Meal 4: protein cakes with SF syrup and SF choc syrup

      Angel dust preworkout

      Intra md

      Meal 5: 10 oz lean ground turkey and jasmine rice (50 only)

      Meal 6: 10 oz lean ground turkey

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