
legs(hehe hehe hehe)
10 min treadmill warmup
rumble roller and stretching
seated leg curls 90x10 105x10 120x10(warmups) 150x10 180x10 205x10
squats 135x8 185x8 225x8 275x8 315x8 395x8
hacks 180x5 270x5 360x10 360x10(p5) 360x10(p5)(p5) 360x10(p5)(p5)(p5) 270x10(p5)(p5)(p5)(p5)
stiff leg on hack machine x5 50x5 150x8 200x8 250x8 250x8
occluded leg extensions 90x30x23x19x14
occluded leg curls 60x30x26x21x17

done for the day. this was an absolutely ball busting brutal workout across the board. whole leg filled up with blood and even with an angry back still moved some pretty good weight around. i can def tell that the entire leg is wrecked from the top to the bottom. great session for damn sure

meal 1
protein cakes w/sugar free jelly
intra workout
4 scoops intra md
meal 2
16oz ground turkey
1 1/4 cups basmatti rice
meal 3
16oz ground turkey w/mustard
1/2 cup sourkraut
meal 4
16oz ground turkey
1/2 cup sourkraut
meal 5
16oz turk
1/2 bag broc

forgot to thaw the fish for today so it was a fish free saturday