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    Thread: Why do you do it?

    1. #1
      tazzy21's Avatar
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      Default Why do you do it?

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      • Why do you do it?
      Ya ya another thread but hey isn't that what keeps everything going..? So I Google dbol cycle just to compare to my a bombs. .. and I'm directed to um mmm another site.. so I click on the link just to read. Wow I must say people chime in on shit they have no idea about or think they do..
      So the guy asks about a dbol only cycle and what to expect, good idea bad idea.. doesn't want to pin but wants some size.. well don't people jump all over him and start attacking and flamin him.. telling him it's a waste to do dbol only cycle why would you do that, not gonna keep any gains... I didn't chime in cause I didn't wanna sign up for the stupid site and couldnt handle some of the stupid people! That's why it's good here, you can ask and get answers, good real answers without making you feel like an idiot! Besides, I wanted to say to the guy.. listen, if you wanna do a dbol only cycle then go ahead do it. Dbol makes you swell up and we all know what it does but it also makes you strong as fuck so if you are able to lift way more heavy than normal than in turn your muscles are going to grow bigger, even if it's a short time, you're still gonna get some growth, maybe not super noticeable but it will certainly help.
      So, to the point of the thread:
      I'm curious, why do you do it why do you take AAS? For size? Break through plateaus, asthetics? Why risk health stuff, what's YOUR payoff? Why not just do it natural? I'm sure we all know the generic answers but I'm lookin for your personal, why YOU do it!?
      Why do I do it? My test levels dropped off a number of years ago and was damning on alot of relationships, affected my interest, my mood, sleep... I've worked out since around 17 and am now 42. I'm not huge but people say I'm a big guy.. I do eq anadrol test, for the drive, to keep myself motivated, so I can look in the mirror and not look my age and be all fat and droopy.. always said I didn't want to be all fat and droopy like my Dad was when we were younger and even now. He was fn ripped and very muscular then he got married and kids... I love my sweets and if I stopped working out I'd look like the stay puffed marshmallow man in no time! Hahaha anyhow; cheers guys AND gals! I haven't forgotten about you gals, chime in! Love seeing a fit woman that takes pride in looking after herself! With nice lines and tones... Mmmm yummehh!

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Well I got into it because I was fat and out of shape. Started natty lost 80 lbs of fat got down to 180 I was now super skinny. Tried ph put on 15 lbs of solid mass I was hooked a freind of mine was into gear and got me started I competed a few times and loved it. So it became a life style for me good people and freinds I was a member of the old Fg way back when and meet some real freinds I consider family 02,fuzo jipped just to name a few so now I still compete but I love my freinds and family in this AAS community esp the ones here at Fg. Could never ask for a better life style or extended family.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      Well I got into it because I was fat and out of shape. Started natty lost 80 lbs of fat got down to 180 I was now super skinny. Tried ph put on 15 lbs of solid mass I was hooked a freind of mine was into gear and got me started I competed a few times and loved it. So it became a life style for me good people and freinds I was a member of the old Fg way back when and meet some real freinds I consider family 02,fuzo jipped just to name a few so now I still compete but I love my freinds and family in this AAS community esp the ones here at Fg. Could never ask for a better life style or extended family.
      Ya I hear ya! Truly a great lifestyle and good habit! I'll bet expensive with supps and everything else but hey its what we do. Cheers. Thanks mountain!

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Quote Originally Posted by tazzy21 View Post
      Ya I hear ya! Truly a great lifestyle and good habit! I'll bet expensive with supps and everything else but hey its what we do. Cheers. Thanks mountain!
      It can get costly but we take care of each other in our community.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      It can get costly but we take care of each other in our community.
      very true

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      i trained for about 10 years before taking the plunge, did the teenage comp stuff and did pretty well. so once i stalled out i took the plunge and i have slowly over the years tweaked and tweaked what i do. i have learned a boat load and i am still learning day in and day out as much as possible. i do so though both trial and error as well as research. i learned a long time ago what the medical community and research papers say doesnt always translate into what actually happens on the ground lol. so for me i do it for the love of the sport and competition always pushing to make myself bigger and better than the last time. will i ever turn pro? who knows prob not but i still love it and strive to the best that i can possibly be.

      as for the dbol only topic. um yeah you can make freaking gains off of a dbol or drol only run. is it optimal? maybe maybe not but it is on an individual basis. our community is full of people that weight 155lbs soaking wet or 400lbs and both look like they have never seen the inside of a gym. yet they are quick to point out how this or that works and blah blah blah. hell 99% of our community cant even follow the simplest of diet plan for a wk. that's the sad part of what we have going on
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i trained for about 10 years before taking the plunge, did the teenage comp stuff and did pretty well. so once i stalled out i took the plunge and i have slowly over the years tweaked and tweaked what i do. i have learned a boat load and i am still learning day in and day out as much as possible. i do so though both trial and error as well as research. i learned a long time ago what the medical community and research papers say doesnt always translate into what actually happens on the ground lol. so for me i do it for the love of the sport and competition always pushing to make myself bigger and better than the last time. will i ever turn pro? who knows prob not but i still love it and strive to the best that i can possibly be.

      as for the dbol only topic. um yeah you can make freaking gains off of a dbol or drol only run. is it optimal? maybe maybe not but it is on an individual basis. our community is full of people that weight 155lbs soaking wet or 400lbs and both look like they have never seen the inside of a gym. yet they are quick to point out how this or that works and blah blah blah. hell 99% of our community cant even follow the simplest of diet plan for a wk. that's the sad part of what we have going on
      Always on point guns!

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Pretty much I've done some form of working out or lifting my whole life and once I tired it and saw how much it could help I didnt look back. and yea a little dbol is always good lol.
      Animal the manimal

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      tried to take care of myself for years at 30 I got on trt by the doctor... natty was like 147 or something.. lets say things changed a bit then .. for the better

    10. #10
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      Gauge sorry dude did not mean to do that, that is now the 4th time Iv done that in the car on my phone.... You guys need to start hitting my dislike button so I'll learn my lesson haha. Sorry buddy

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      However I do it cuz it keeps me Sane and happy with myself.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      What is this Dbol you speak of ?
      The Best Thing About TRT Is The Cycle Never Ends.

    13. #13
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Crazy B!!

      I started cause Rake made me. Started menopause and became a CRAZY B who thought I could beat on my husband over everything weird that happened in our lives. After about 18 months of that I got on TRT. Mood started stabilizing and I was half human. This site had a Transformation Contest and since I was sooo 'fat housewife' mode Rake encouraged me to enter. I had been in a contest at another site more than a year before and was BASHED for 4 months straight and swore I would never even go to another site in my life. When I looked at the pictures we took and realized how bad I looked I signed up. The help and encouragement I found here changed my life forever. I want to be slender but not 'Barbie Doll' skinny. I have come to realize that I can change my body to be what I want. I sleep better the more I work out and my joints feel better. I definitely look a lot younger than my age and as superficial as that sounds I love it.

    14. #14
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      Default Re: Why do you do it?

      Quote Originally Posted by guage View Post
      tried to take care of myself for years at 30 I got on trt by the doctor... natty was like 147 or something.. lets say things changed a bit then .. for the better
      Yup. A little test does the body good

    15. #15
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      Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
      Crazy B!!

      I started cause Rake made me. Started menopause and became a CRAZY B who thought I could beat on my husband over everything weird that happened in our lives. After about 18 months of that I got on TRT. Mood started stabilizing and I was half human. This site had a Transformation Contest and since I was sooo 'fat housewife' mode Rake encouraged me to enter. I had been in a contest at another site more than a year before and was BASHED for 4 months straight and swore I would never even go to another site in my life. When I looked at the pictures we took and realized how bad I looked I signed up. The help and encouragement I found here changed my life forever. I want to be slender but not 'Barbie Doll' skinny. I have come to realize that I can change my body to be what I want. I sleep better the more I work out and my joints feel better. I definitely look a lot younger than my age and as superficial as that sounds I love it.
      Always love the success stories! Good for you and thanks for sharing!

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