Done with the light rest weeks and back at it today. Didn't go too crazy heavy but definitely starting to work back up on the weight and intensity. Felt really really awesome today with the exception of the decline barbell press. I usually don't do those locked in decline movements cause they sting the shoulders but I wanted to try something different. Going to stick with dumbbell decline. I'm also going to stick with lighter weight higher rep pump/ burn sets for biceps. I definitely see what guns is saying about heavyweight and tendon pain/ strain. Much better pump and burn with the lightweights and it doesn't bother the tendons.

Rotator/ delt warm ups

Incline barbell press

3 x warm ups

225 x 12

245 x 10

265 x 7

225 x 10

Decline barbell press

135 x 15

185 x 12

225 x 10

225 x 10

135 x 15

Incline dumbbell press

100s x 14

100s x 12

100s x 11

Pec deck

1 x warm up

205 x 15

250 x 12

295 x 10

Seated dumbbell curls

2 x warm up

25s x 20

30s x 20

35s x 18

Single arm hammer curls

35 x 15

40 x 14

40 x 12

Standing dumbbell curl burnout

20s x 34

Meal 1- 100gm whey, bagel with 2 tbs almond butter, 1 fresh squeezed lemon

Pre- 2 scoops no Xplode

Intra- 70 vitargo, 25 whey

Meal 2 (post)- creatine glutamine, 16 oz chicken with BBQ, 2 tbs coconut oil

Meal 3- 16 oz chicken with BBQ, large sweet potato, veggies

Meal 4- 16 oz chicken with BBQ, 2 tbs coconut oil

Meal 5- 6 egg omelet with beef and cheese, 2 tbs coconut oil

Meal 6- 1 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 slices Ezekiel bread with 2 tbs almond butter