Day 1


SM Incline press x15,10,8,6,6
DB Flat Bench x10,8,6,6
Machine Dips x12,10,10,8
High cable crossovers/ low cable flyes (superset) x15,12,10,8
Machine press (drop set)

V-bar tricep push downs x15,12,10,8

Triceps will get hit with a heavier load later in the week.

Meal1 whole wheat bagel, peanut butter, protein bar
Meal2 if you want to call it that BCAAs with carbs intra workout
Meal3 post workout shake with protein and carbs
Meal4 ground turkey and red potatoes
Meal5 chicken and red potatoes
Meal6 salmon with rice
Snack rice cakes with... Best way to describe it a paste (protein powder, a little water, peanut butter, and walden farms sugar free syrup)
Meal7 protein shake with almond/coconut milk