OK all, here's what's up! It's been a while since I've posted but I've been on my grind. Lots of progress in my opinion in terms of muscle definition and strength, fat loss is still a struggle. Hovering around my starting weight like am anchored fucking boat. HOWEVER! I have since busted through multiple PRs, of which this is my pride and joy: OFFICIALLY SQUATTING 135!!

Last Friday night, after weeks of bullshit (you may have noticed my absence) and months of yearning for that plate, I decided enough was enough. Started my leg day out with 10 on the bike for warm up, some quad extensions to warm up my knees...at that point was feeling weak. Wasn't putting up as much and as many on single legs and started to get worried about my upcoming plate attempt. But once I walked up to that squat rack, repped a few sets at a known and comfortable weight, decided it was about to go down. I threw up the plates, the beat dropped, and I did it. First set got me 6 clean reps, managed 4 on the second set. After everything I really needed that little victory.

In a month from now I'll be in Vegas for the O. I won't look great, but I'll look better than I have in a long time. I'll still be motivated and I'll take everything I can from the experience. Feeling good about things to come.switched up my diet a bit yet agai, now aiming for meals pacific macros instead of just end of day counts. We'll see how it goes.

I apologize for my neglect in recent weeks, I'm around and going hard, I promise!

Today is back and shoulders.